8 | rule 76

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✷ C H A P T E R    E I G H T 

Cross the forest line. Memphis will meet you there.

The note was written in a shaky font, almost illegible. Instantly, I furrowed my eyebrows. The message was vague, and I had trouble seeing it as a key to get out of here. I didn't know where the forest line was.

I was doomed.

Without a second thought, I quickly — and quietly — curled the paper up, placing it in one of my pockets. I didn't want anyone finding it; I couldn't afford for anyone to find it. While it didn't mean much to me, I wasn't sure if it would mean a lot to Theo.

Regretting not getting a closer look out the window this morning, I asked: "So, do you just shift in the wide open?"

"No," he responded, still pulling me behind him.

"Where do you shift, then?"

He turned around, eyes narrowed at me, "Why?"

"Where I come from in... Boston, your kind is not... so common. I was just curious, I didn't know if, you know, I should just expect to see naked people walking everywhere," I said innocently, holding my breath as I made up a pretty convincing lie.

Not that I would constitute it as a real lie. I mean, I was curious if Werewolves walked around naked since they wore no clothes in their shifted forms, but I wasn't curious enough to ask. I just wanted to know if there was forestry around that would protect them from peering eyes.

It didn't seem like he was taking my bate. Instead, it looked like he was getting a little suspicious of me, growling as a response. While it was not ideal, a little suspicion — hopefully — wouldn't destroy all my chances of getting out of here. I just needed to endure a little longer. Once I found out where the forest line was, I could escape.

I could almost taste freedom on the tip of my tongue; it was so close, a burst of excitement shot through me, causing my toes to curl up in anticipation.

"There are some privacy trees behind the house to provide some protection since the forest doesn't begin for almost a mile after that. You won't be seeing any naked males, especially when you're still unmarked and unmated," his voice came out stern, as he continued to lead me out of the dungeons.

Relaxing at his words, I was now one step closer to gaining my freedom. Natasha's note was not looking so pointless, after all.

Quickly, Theo escorted me back up to the room I woke up in. He told me to freshen up and then left the room. This time he locked it on his way out. I quietly tried to see if it would budge open, but it was firm and unrelenting.

Panic had started to set in. I was all alone in a strange room, with nothing of my own, deserted from my home.

Cross the forest line.

I contemplated waiting a little while for my escape. Maybe it would be too obvious if I tried to leave so soon. Maybe it would shorten my odds, but then again, Theo could come in any second, crushing my hopes of escape.

Without much thought, I ran over to the window that rested beside the bed. While I couldn't open it earlier, maybe — with new determination — I could now. It was wishful thinking, but the window was my only option. Mustering up enough strength, I tried to pry the window open, but it remained glued shut.

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