twenty seven

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Stella's POV:

As Morgan wove through the cars, my cell phone rang. I read the caller ID, and it was Penelope.

I quickly answered. "Garcia?"

"Oh thank God. Is Derek there with you?"

"Yeah, we are almost back to the federal building. Where is everyone else?" I ask, slight tremors running through my body.

"You're the first people I've called. Reid and Rossi greeted me when I got back here."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Keep me on the line while you check everyone else."

Garcia patched through Emily, and then after a couple tries, she reached JJ.

There was still no answer from Hotch and Kate.

"Alright, well try her again, she's gotta be-"

Emily's line cut mid-sentence.

"Emily?" Garcia asked, worry growing.

"Garcia, what happened-"

My line cut off, leaving a beeping dial tone running through my ear.

"Damn it!" I slam the phone onto my lap. "I lost contact. With everyone."

Morgan quickly looked at me. "You what?"

"I-I don't know! It just cut off mid sentence! Emily cut off, and then I did too!"

Morgan let out a frustrated grunt and then sped up. I gripped the door as he took sharp turns and came within inches of other cars.

Soon enough, the flashing lights from ambulances and police cars came into view. As we grew closer, Morgan aggressively parked the car and we both hopped out quickly and grabbed our bulletproof vests from the trunk.

We ran up to SWAT officers pulling out our badges in unison. "Who's in charge here?" Morgan questioned.

The SWAT agent pointed to a tall man. "Captain Warner."

I quickly thanked him as Morgan ran ahead towards the captain, and then I followed after him.

"Hey, hey, we got our people down there!" Morgan yelled.

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

I pulled out my badge once again. "Special Agents Keller and Morgan. FBI. We are looking for Agent Hotchner. Aaron Hotchner."

"Go back to the federal building, agents. There are evac marshaling spots. Check in and make sure they know where you are." Captain Warner stated, not giving Morgan another glance.

Morgan got closer to his face. "I am not about to do that."

Captain Warner took a breath. "Get out of my face, or I will have you bodily removed, agent."

"Please! We're here!"

I whipped around to see Hotch and another man standing over a body, probably Kate's. Hotch is screaming as he keeps applying pressure to Kate's body.

"Hotch." I mumble, and begin to run towards him, but am stopped by a SWAT agent who aims his gun at me.

"Hey, that area's restricted!"

I turn around, to face the Captain, jaw dropped. "That's our boss down there!"

"My orders are what they are." Captain Warner says, rolling his eyes.

"I don't give a damn what your orders are!" Morgan yelled.

"I get it agents. But we've been told by you guys that responders are the targets. So until the blast site is cleared, no one goes in."

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