chapter 28: and we meet again

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ONLY ONE CHAPTER LEFT FOR PART ONE! AND OH MY GOD! I can't believe we've come THIS far together!  I am so, so excited for you to finish this part, because, guys, part 2 is coming soon and it's supposed to be hotter, more complicated, romantic...and ___?!!!! Not gonna spoil it for you, nope! So yeah, enjoooooy! ^_^


chapter 28: and we meet again

Kai's POV

I've never been much of a shoulder someone could cry on, I've never been one to be a solid wall of tranquility, and I was completely okay with it.

I would never let anyone get attached to me, nor would I connect with anyone emotionally.

Even when I was casually seeing Amelia, I was never close to her soul. I'd never talk to her about anything that mattered, we were just helping each other to forget. Hell, when she told me she was starting to like me, I ended it all without even blinking.

I'm not interested in other people's businesses and neither do I let them stick their nose in mine. So why am I now secretly looking at the girl I met minutes ago, trying to think of a way to comfort her?

Selena is sitting against the wall of a small and dark alley, breathing rapidly as if she's run around the world before getting here, or I don't know, as if she's just lost something too precious, something too personal.

The single streetlight falls directly on her, making her look like a real-life angel, except right now, she has lost her wings.

I want to paint her on every wall of this city until there is nothing left in me anymore. And that's exactly what I might do later tonight...

Though I feel like I don't want to share her with the rest of the world.

I take a silent step toward her, trying to stay in the dark. I know I should leave, because I wouldn't want a stranger to see me like this, to catch me at my worst, to catch me waking up at nights horrified like a goddamn madman.

I know the right thing to do is to leave right this fucking second and never look back. But I'm not someone to do the right thing, I have never been one.

Selena has her legs crossed, sitting on the pavement, her bag and the gift lying next to her carelessly. She is breathing hard, deep enough for me to hear the sound of it. I think I can even see the hot tears running down her cheeks.

She covers her face with both hands and starts sobbing into them, still managing to keep her voice low. Maybe she's afraid of someone catching her.

Jesus, why do I want to hide her in my arms? The things I am feeling right now are not even normal or logical. How can I have all these crazy thoughts right now? Is this humanitarian bullshit, or am I just really that into a girl I haven't even met face to face?

"Come on, Selena," I hear her mumble after a second, and never have I ever wanted to hug someone this much. "Stop, come on." She wipes the tears away as if in a hurry. "What did you expect?"

She takes a deep breath before reaching for her bag. She barely has time to gather her long hair into a high ponytail, when tears start running down her eyes again like a fucking waterfall.

Enough, that's enough. I need to do something. I'll tell her I was passing by and just try to talk to her, to distract her. Maybe I could make a joke or two, get her smile and even laugh if I'm lucky.

Determined, I take a step toward her, to finally try my best to comfort her, when her phone goes off, making me step back again.

If this is the universe's plan to stop me from corrupting her, then it's fucking working.

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