Without Thee Means Demise

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It's been a long day
What things dost changed?
Doth our love for each other
Is still clear as distill'd water?
Wilt thou still choose my hug
As thy furnace on glacial december?
Art thou still keep looking forward on that aisle,
Me as the groom, while thou art the bride?
Well, I'm glad thou said yes!
Yet only in my fictitious dreams

I ain't no afraid on death back then
Nor even in a savage hell
I'm only afraid that those happy moments
Will become a painful memories

I tried my best and hardest
Only to forget our reminiscence
But thy splinters are keep penetrating
On my heart; broken and shatter'd

Thy memories are more loyal than thee
That even though thou left me
Thy memories decided to stay through eternity
Forever occupying my heart; stabbing it painfully
A constant thing as heavens; that makes me mourn
On afflictive realm I am a sojourn
So please, remove my poignant anguish
Through bringing back thy presence
Please, I beseech thee alchemist
I am so thirsty for thine elixir
And I hope that thou can hear
This poetic howl of despair

A life without thee is nothing
But a mere living death
This pain will only end
When thou wilt back or I'm already underneath;
In a peaceful and pacific grave
Thyself means everything to me
And there's no greater misery
Than to recall those times that we're still happy.#

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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