0: Prologue

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Two figures twist around each other atop white silken bedsheets, dancing in a timeless rhythm as they revel in pleasure.

The large bed in the center of the room, surrounded by elaborate folding redwood screens, lacquered and carved with designs of lakes and rivers, of small animals meandering about, makes a creaking noise at the frenzied movements, intermingled with the sound of wet flesh meeting each other.

Though the man would let out a groan or two as the beauty underneath him moved her hips, cheeks pink with exertion, the girl spoke not a word.

She was mute, no matter how fast he moved his hips against her or how hard he suckled one of her pink nipples into his mouth.

But even without her moans of pleasure, it would be obvious to any her enjoyment of what they were doing.

Her black hair spills across the silk sheets, neck tilting up as the man winds the fine strands around his hand, the other hand holding her waist.

The baritone voice resonates in her mind as he puts his lips to her ear. "My beautiful mate..let's continue some more of our experiments, shall we?"

The girl's body can't help but clench as she comprehends the meaning of his words, body flooding with anticipation.

He chuckles, nibbling her ear.

"Naughty girl, you like that, don't you?"
She shakes her head sideways, no, she wouldn't give him the pleasure of knowing that. The movements make her hair part to reveal pointed ears and a set of blue-grey gills below them, decorated with various sea shells and colorful gems like emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and opals.

This girl was no human.

Even the fingers that gripped the back of his strong neck had white translucent  skin stretched between each finger, the skin cold to the touch.

The whole time, his hips had been moving at a slow steady pace, but he stops, supporting himself above her with arms on each side of her head.

The handsome man's eyes curves into crescents as he watches her bite her plump lip, small white canine peeking out as she tries not to squirm at the itchiness she felt down there for more.

Reaching up with one arm, an apple magically appears in his large hand. The girl opens her unnaturally wide eyes, golden gaze focused on the prize held before her.

He knew she loved apples.

"They say in the Northern Regions that apples are symbols of fertility. One bite of an apple can guarantee a healthy child within the year-"


The man takes a bite from the shiny red apple, clear juice running down his arm. Before she even realized it, the girl had licked the trail up his forearm, tasting the tart sweetness on her tongue and sighing in delight.

"Here, one bite"
Holding up the apple to her lips, he starts moving again, pushing his thick heat in and out, in and out as she takes a large bite. Black hair feathers across the pillow as her head falls back against the mattress.

The chilled apple tasted so good on her tongue, making the girl wordlessly groan while her face twists in ecstasy. Her throat had been parched. How long had they mated here, in this room? How many times had he released inside of her? She'd lost count, unable to keep count. Only the water poured down her throat that he fed her from his own lips seemed to give her any indications of time passing.

Without it, she could have spent perhaps an eternity making love. She wouldn't know.

After one more delicious bite, the man takes the apple back from her, and it disappears, as suddenly as it had appeared.

"That's enough"
He wasn't going to say he was jealous of the apple, how it had made her silent moan in delight. Lifting her breasts and testing the weight of them in both palms, he teases the tight buds at the top, running his blunt fingernails over them.

She sighs when he rotates his hips, pressing himself harder against her and supporting her lower back to tilt her waist up.

When the apple juice drips down her neck, he moves faster, sucking the sweet juice off her skin and leaving red marks, marks as red as the crisp apple they had eaten, on her neck and chest.

"Let us test the truth of what the Northerners say"

With a rhythmic motion, his hard flesh meets her softness, sweet sensations growing in strength as their private parts rub against each other, and his finger stroked the junction where they combine.

The gills on the side of her neck flare as her breaths get heavier, making her inner walls flutter around the man's burning heat.

"You feel so good... perfect, like you were made for me" he breathes out heavily, brow furrowed in concentration.

Wetness froths and stream down to add another stain to the bedsheet beneath her soft buttocks.

"Does it feel good, Ru Shi?"

The man pushes back his long hair that had fallen out of its knot on top of his head.

The pleasure was so strong, building within her, it felt suffocating, yet comfortable. The girl shakes her head, not sure if she was asking him to stop or continue, as he licks between her breasts.

The conflicting emotions muddled her thoughts and consciousness. The girl should want to escape the pleasure that's too strong, but she subconsciously wanted this man to control her.

She hides her face behind her fingers, embarrassed at how good it felt. As her waist moved, he was tracing his fingers here and there, the sensitive skin of her hip and kissing her bare shoulder.

She explodes with one final, heavy slap of his body against hers.

There were fireworks sparking behind her eyelids, beautiful colors that she would never be able to explain to anyone. Her body's reaction, contracting and trying to swallow the man plunging into her whole, makes the man's arm tremble, sweat dripping off his forehead.

The peach tipped chest goes up and down as her breathing begins to calm. The aftershocks still ran through her body, making her legs periodically quiver, as the mixture of their fluids run down her leg.

The man withdraws from her, still hard and ready.

"Not yet."

Seeing the vision of this beautiful girl losing herself under him as she comes, he grits his teeth to keep himself from releasing with her.

He enters her, again and again. Until night falls, and the magic light around them sparks to life.

QT: Gilded WatersWhere stories live. Discover now