1- Mr. Red Shirt

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Akansha POV:

"Close your mouth Kanz. Or insects will go inside it."

I closed my mouth instantly, "It's not funny Kryz. Crescent Academy is awesome and majestic. I am truly blessed to be here."

"Don't judge a book by it's cover Kanz", she warned me. "Like every other college, there are popular students in this college too. You should avoid them as much as possible", she warned me again for the umpteenth time since I had gotten admission at Crescent Academy through my sholarship. Since she is insisting about it strongly, I guess I should follow it.

"I am glad you are with me or I am cent percent sure that I will get lost in this big campus", I said to lighten the mood. But I think it had the reverse effect on her. 

"What happened Kryz? You are looking worried. Did I say something wrong?", I asked her, sensing her change of mood.

"Nothing Kanz. I was just remembering my first day here", she answered me with more emotion in her voice. 

"Are you okay Kryz?" 

"I am sorry Kanz. I lied to you about my first day at college before. Since you were struggling with your own life problems, I thought not to burden you with my problems."

I was extremely shocked by her outburst. I felt like I was not a good friend to her. 

"You should not say sorry Kryz; it's me who should say sorry. I was not there when you needed me. I am extremely sorry dear. Will you accept my apology?"

"Shut up stupid. Now hug me so that I can feel better", she commanded me.

"Sure boss. Your word is my command", I hugged her. And she hugged me back. 

"Okay my boss, you are going to spill the truth about your first day after we go home. Promise?"

Living with my best friend Krystle Spears in an apartment has been one of the best decision of my life. Her parents are living near the countryside wherein she visits them frequently. I left my house and cut my contacts with them three months ago due to a few reasons and Kryz persuaded me to stay with her at her apartment and helped me to get a part-time job as a waitress in the Green World restaurant which is quite famous in the town. That part-time job was so difficult to manage as I had to face all type of customers everyday. But with the help from my co-workers, I somehow managed them. All in all, I am very grateful to her for being with me during the happy and tough situations of my life. She is my moral support, my childhood friend! But seems like I wasn't with her in her difficult moments making me feel worse. Let me make up for that tonight!

"Promise", she promised me to speak about it.

"Okay. Enough of me. Today is your day. Let's go and collect your schedule", she dragged me to the Main Office and sent me to the principal office to collect my schedule.


Argh! Who is calling now? I searched my phone on the side-table and answered, "Who the shit is this calling me?"

"Good morning to you too Parth", Andrew, my friend's irritating voice came through the phone. I groaned and decided to cut the call and go to sleep. But my so-called idiot interrupted me, "Before you cut the call, I need to inform you that today is the first day at the Crescent academy after vacation. So you must surely come my dear sleeping baby Parth''.

Before I could say anything, he cut the call; him and his childish ways of making me do things. Argh!! I guess I drank a lot because my head is killing me with this stupid ache.

While getting up from the bed, I noticed a figure lying in the bed. I guess she gave me company yesterday; What's her name??.....whatever who cares...I exited the guest room and went to my room to get ready.

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