Chapter 39: Birthday

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Chapter 39: Birthday

Alena Fleur

"I got this covered. You take your mom home. That's more important," I said over the phone.

"Thanks a lot. I just wish Dad or Lance could be here so that I didn't have to dump all my work on you," Elian grimaced.

"It's fine. Just take care of her. I will handle everything in the office," I assured.

"I know. Thanks again. I gotta go now. Bye." He hung up, and I let out a sigh.

I put my phone down and smiled down at it sadly, looking at the time that read eight. Only four hours till my birthday.

I was pretty sure Elian forgot about it, and I didn't blame him for it one bit.

He was taking too much load since his dad was out of the country for something important and Lance was busy with something he said he couldn't tell about. Eltan had classes, so it was impossible for him to be with their mom all the time.

Not that Elian had free time, to begin with, he was the only one who could look after Brisa. Brisa did tell him not to bother because there were doctors and nurses at her service, but Elian wouldn't listen and I wouldn't let him, either. It sucked to be at the hospital all alone, so Elian and I alternated between paying visits and staying the nights.

"Ms. Fleur, your espresso," Ryatt said, coming in.

"Thanks. You can get off work now," I told him.

"I will leave after compiling this file so that you can finish earlier and get home. The last thing you want on your birthday is to still be at the office," Ryatt said, and I smiled at his consideration. Even though even if he did help me, I doubted I could finish before two in the morning. "Anyway, happy birthday in advance, Ms. Fleur."

"Thank you, Ryatt." As much as Anya was a good assistant, Ryatt was much more dedicated, and I was really glad to have him as an assistant.

After Ryatt left and I downed my espresso, I got to work once again.

At sharp nine, I stared at my phone, expecting a video call. Every year, my parents and Abigail would video call me at this time due to Georgia being three hours ahead of California and they would never be able to stay up till three in the morning to wish me at midnight here.

But when ten minutes passed with no incoming calls or texts, I heaved a sigh. Maybe they forgot this year.

It's fine, Alena. You are a grown-up. You don't need to feel bad because people didn't wish you. I consoled myself and returned to work.

I didn't let myself get distracted until I was done. I didn't even notice the hour clock hand was nearing twelve and the door of my cabin opening until a palm covered my eyes. My heart almost paused. A sudden panic rose in me.

I was about to stab the infiltrator with the Apple pencil in my hand before I heard the familiar deep voice whisper, "Hey."

"Elian?" I asked.

"Of course, me," he said, still not removing his palm from my eyes. "Get up. I have somewhere to take you to."


"You will know," he whispered and guided me out of my cabin. We took the elevator, and I could feel it going up, which made me think that we were going to his cabin, but we were inside longer, which could only mean we were going to the rooftop.

When I was exposed to the chilly outside air, I was sure we were on the rooftop.

"Happy birthday, my love," Elian whispered, and before I could respond, he finally dropped his hand.

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