New York City With Her

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"It is literally so hot." She says wiping at the sweat beads gathered on her forehead as we take our bags from the cab and walk inside the hotel lobby. I've always loved New York City, but I can see she's enjoying her time already and she's probably gonna end up loving this town a hell of a lot more than I do. I didn't think that was possible.

"You haven't lost your English accent one bit, hey Tilly?" I say adjusting my hat, weary of who could be watching. It isn't because I'm nervous to be seen with her. I just don't want her name tied to mine too much. She's worked too hard to have her success be derived from a connection to my name. She has a gift and I think that she deserves to be recognised for who she is on her own, without me contributing.

"And I don't intend on it. I don't feel the need to change myself." She says with a cheeky grin. I feel myself grow sad at her comment.

She think's I've changed. She thinks I did this deliberately.

"You okay, H?" Tilly asks, her head tilting to the side to look at me, her dark hair falling behind her shoulder. I can't let her see what I'm thinking.

"Yeah. Let's get inside hey?" I say sharply, giving a happy expression to let her think I'm okay, Truth is, I don't know who I am anymore. I figured if I suggested a hiatus I could go out and make my mark as myself. Don't get me wrong, I loved those boys, but something was missing and for a while I'd convinced myself it was just be nit-picking at a perfect job, but it wasn't perfect. There were so many things I wanted to do, wanted to pursue creatively. We all did, we just weren't allowed. I watch as she smiles and turns away from me, taking her bags with her into the hotel lobby.

We check into our room at the front desk and take the elevator to our room. I tap the key onto the door, and it opens, I hear her soft breath panting and it makes me smile. She's still new to the continual travel and climate changes. I don't remember those days.

"Woah." She says and I smirk, watching her dance around the hotel room in astonishment at what her eyes feast upon. I try not to laugh as she acts like a little kid seeing a playground for the first time. Her bags drop at her feet with a thud as she walks over to the large windows. I'm used to this but seeing her get so excited sparks something inside me. It sparks a feeling of newness. I've done this a thousand times over but seeing her like this, it makes me realises how lucky I am.

"H, I'm not sure if you're aware but we can quite literally see all of New York right now." She says as she spins around, and I laugh at her.

I've missed her so fucking much.

"Can all of New York see us?" She asks me with a cryptic look on her face, her nose scrunching.

"Definitely not. They're tinted. Didn't think that would bother you. Aren't you used to walking in the street with your chest exposed?" I say jokingly and she lets out a deep huff, ignoring me.

I watch as she checks out the rest of the place, acquainting herself by opening doors and cupboards, but getting particularly fascinated by the fridge which I don't doubt is full of food.

"Pretty neat huh? Check out the bedrooms. I'll let you have first pick at which one." I say and she spins around, giving me a funny look, which makes me giggle. I throw my body down onto the lounge kicking off my shoes and they fly across the room, making myself completely at home. I suppose if I didn't make myself at home in every hotel room, I'd begin to feel very homesick. I pull out my phone and scroll through Instagram, her face remained on mine as she stands still, looking awkward and uncomfortable.

"Sorry I forgot you're new to this." I say standing up, leaving my phone on the lounge. She gives me a look at with her soft pink lips slightly parted, slowly nodding at me. I take her hand and pull her down the corridor, showing her to the smallest room.

Finer Things // h.s.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon