chapter 58

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Noah POV

My parents sit across from me, behind my desk as I sigh. The quiet between us spans miles as we stare at each other.

I need to hear them say it. Before the pack, before Beth, before everyone, I need them to say it first.

"Noah, listen. We couldn't imagine that what she told us today, was the case. We all thought what was shone to us." My father says, fidgeting with his fingers.

"We don't even know if what that girl said, is true. She's a part of the enemy pack, why would she betray them for Eliana?" My mother speaks up, trying to reason with me.

This is what I was afraid she would say. I don't want to hate her. I really don't want to hold any anger against her like this, but after all that, she still believes what she wants.

"Mom, why would she lie? What would her pack gain with us knowing what they did to the Royals and who they're in line with, the witches?" I ask, keeping my rationality.

My patience is drawing thin.

"I don't know but we can't just trust her. We can't trust any of them. Noah-" My father puts a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head.

"I know you're angry, honey, but blaming Eliana isn't going to avenge our daughter. You have to open your eyes to our actual enemies." He whispers, rubbing her shoulder. She looks away, her breathing faster.

"I just- I kept everything bottled up so long when I could finally let it out at someone, someone who was there, I did." Tears leak out her eyes, sliding down her cheeks as my father holds on to her.

"I wanted to move on. I wanted to move on so you could stop blaming yourself, Noah. I wanted to see you happy again and I was so glad to see you smiling with Eliana. But when I heard she was a part of the pack that attacked us, I-I forgot everything about that. The pain inside me just wanted to cause more pain, even though I knew she was the light in your life." My mother sobs, as my father pulls her in, hugging her.

I understand that. The only release I got from Samantha's death was caring for the pack and even then I devoted myself to finding her killers. It was a cycle of pain that I didn't know I was putting myself through.

I didn't think about how my parents were impacted, I just hated that they locked up away from the world and refused to get revenge.

She's still hurting. We all are still hurting.

"I loved Samantha. I miss her everyday and my sadness finally had a place to go. I knew it wrong acting the way I did but it felt good. It felt good to blame her and I'm ashamed to admit that." My mother cries harder against my father's collarbone. He nods.

"I felt the same. It was wrong and now, even more than before, we know our angry is misplaced. We know who to direct this pain towards." He growls, as I nod.

They tried so hard to be strong after Sam's death years ago, they forgot to take care of the injuries within themselves. The whole pack needs more time to heal.

"You both know who to apologize to. I'm sorry for shutting myself away all those years ago. I blamed myself and wanted to fight back. Now, we can fight back." Their eyes land on mine, my mother sitting straight as my father turns face me.

"We'll be with you to save Eliana. We'll stand up against who we have to." My mother states, her eyes bright with a new light.

"By sunrise, we can have the pack prepare for battle. Just tell us what to do and we'll do it." My father adds, his stance taller. A smile grows on my face as they stare at me with the determination I've been waiting to see.

I love them, I really do love them.

"Thank you. I'll be counting on you both."

This war is about to begin.

Eliana POV

"Liam, you're not thinking straight. Vanessa is your mate." I try to reason with him, as he smirks wider.

"I told you. You're a toy I can't give up, even if I have Vanessa. You decided to run away when you're just a nobody. You came running back with your tail in between your legs." He snarls.

I did, but that's because I want to save them. I want to help them fight you.

"You were isolated by that pack because they found out about us, right? They drove you out after blaming you for our deeds. Are you sure you can go back after this? Would they even believe if you told them you aren't from our pack? You're better off staying here with me, becoming my pet again." His hand trails along the side of my jaw.

Don't listen to him. He doesn't know anything. You're stronger than this. You know why they did what they did. You're not hurt.

"I don't care. Fuck you." I spit at him as he freezes. He punches me again and I bite my tongue, blood filling my mouth.

"Why are you being so difficult? You used to be so perfectly obedient." He lays his hand on my cheek, coming closer and closer to my lips as I cringe back.

He's convinced I'm this object of his. I can't believe this is happening again. I ran away from him, from this pack, from my prison of 18 years so this wouldn't ever happen.

I won't let him have his way.

"Don't touch me!" I shout, a sound clicking in my ears as a burning hot sensation flows through my body, scorching my skin and insides.

What's happening? What is this?

Liam disappears from in front of me as my vision blurs, distorting everything in my view.

My breathing quickens as I cry out, trying to contain my composure while I tremble.

Am I dying? Is this curse finally taking my life?

No, my child, you're awakening.

White blinds my vision as that voice transcends from everywhere. I float through the pure white, softly adrift.

It's warm, empty, and quiet. Peaceful.

This is where I would have that dream, where I had all those dreams.

"You're finally here." The voice says. I look to find the voice but no figure appears, just the sound reaching my ears.

"Where am I? Who are you?" I ask, stretching out my legs to find a place to land. None brush by my feet.

I think I know but that would be impossible.

What's happening is impossible.

"We're in your mind and I am who you wolves call, Moon Goddess. I've been eager to see you awaken, my child."
236k ~ 8/19/20

Hey guys thanks so muchhhh for everything!!!! We've been top 10 in werewolf for a while now and the support is crazyyyy


Next update in two days!!


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