Chapter 2

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The alarm goes off way too early. I'm on the second shift at the hospital, but Ben has to be at the firehouse by 6:00 a.m. I hear him groan as he reaches over to turn off the alarm. Ben rolls towards me and pulls me into his arms. I smell his woodsy cologne from yesterday as he buries his face into my hair. He gives me a gentle squeeze before rolling out of bed. I hear him opening drawers for his clothes before heading into the bathroom.

I fall back into a light sleep at the calming sound of his shower and wake lightly at the feel of his lips on mine.

"Mmmm," I moan.

"Goodbye, Sweetheart. I'll see you after your shift. I love you." Ben sweetly kisses me.

"I love you too, Babe. Be safe."

"Always," he gives me another kiss before leaving me, and sleep overtakes me again.




I'm startled from a deep sleep by someone banging on our front door.

"Damn! Who the hell could that be?" I say to myself.

I reluctantly leave the bed and grab my robe as the loud banging continues.

"I'm coming! Damn! What the hell is the emergency?" I shout.

By the time I get to the door, I'm more than angry at whoever is behind the damn door and angrily swing open the door, and I'm shocked when I see Kendall standing there dressed for work, with tears streaming down her face.

"Oh my god, Kendall! What's wrong, Hon?" I say, concerned.

She doesn't say a word but falls into my arms, sobbing out of control.

"Shhh... I'm here for you. Let it all out. Shhh..." I attempt to console her.

Her body is shaking intensely, and she is unable to speak. I continue to comfort her as she cries. It takes several minutes for her to compose herself.

"I'm so sorry," she cries.

"Why are you sorry? You know that I'm always here for you no matter what? Is it your parents? Did something happen to them?" I'm so confused.

Kendall shakes her head no.

"Oh my god, did something happen to Scott? Is he okay?" I scream.

"No... not Scott." I can barely hear her as she replies to me through her tears.

"Then, what, Kendall? Why are you so upset? Did you get fired? You should be at work by now." I'm now beside myself.

Another shake of her head leaves me without any other reasons for her emotional state.

"Tell me, Hon," I reassure her, making her cry again.

"It's Ben. It's fucking Ben!" she screams.


"What about Ben?" I try to look her in the face. What the hell is going on? I'm so confused right now!

"Ben... he's... uh... he's gone," she says just above a whisper.

"I'm sorry. What? What about Ben?" I say, more baffled than before.

"He's dead, Mallory," she replies calmly.

I drop my arms from being around Kendall and take a few steps back.

"Why would you say that, Kendall? I just saw him an hour ago. He told me that I would see him after work. Why, Kendall, why would you say that?"

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