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My day hasn't been awful.

I've met a lot of new people and they all seem nice, no one has been bitchy or anything.

It's weird seeing people again, it takes them a few seconds to recognise me and for me to recognise them if I'm being honest.

My life has changed completely since I left and I have a lot more things to deal with than homework, big world problems that are on my mind.

It's like coming back to a different world and I hate it.

Luckily I haven't seen my nemesis... Taylor Nelson.

What a bitch she was.

Maybe she's dead.


I walk into the canteen with Mia, Ella, Daisy, Evie, Jasmine and Harriet.

They are all such nice people but they are trying to get my to join the cheer team and I'm not having any of it.

"Come on, just try out" Jaz says

"Nope" i say sitting down next to James

"Nope what?" He asks me

"They want me to join the cheer team" I say

"Your not girly enough for it" Ethan says sitting down across from me

"I can be girly" I say and he scoffs

"Yeah right, you just scream none girly clothes. Like come on, no colour on your outfit whatsoever. Your probably hate wearing skirts and you don't like your hair being down cause you say it gets in the way" he says and I stare at him

I clear my throat and take a bite of another apple.

I look up at Ethan and glance at his pizza.


That pizza looks so good.

I've still not had my junk food, my McDonald's and it's starting to take effect when I see Matt take out a bag of fries.

I look up to see him staring at me with a smirk.

"You not had your McDonald's yet?" He asks and I shake my head

"Here" he says sliding the pizza over to me and i smile

"Thanks" i say and he grabs the chips from Liams plate and starts eating them

I hate a bite of the pizza, "this is so good"

"Are you kidding? School food is shit" Ella says

"Maybe, I've eaten worse" I say and Ethan chuckles

There was this one time when we had to eat vegetarian rations and it was the most disgusting thing we've ever eaten. It was probably out of date but we were desperate.

I look around the canteen and all of a sudden a loud bang goes off and I flinch standing up instantly looking around frantically to find where the sound came from.

"Hey" Ethan says standing next to me all of a sudden

"Your okay, your here. Your safe" he tells me and i nod before I look around the room again.

My attention turns to a group of students hanging around in front of a window and they all clear off before a man wearing black clothing stands in front of it and he turns around slowly.

It's him.

I feel my face place and i blink and he's gone.

"I'm going crazy" I tell him

"What?" He asks confused

"You two gonna sit down?" James asks and I tear my gaze from Ethans piercing blue eyes and to be met by twenty other pairs of eyes.

"Right" i say

"We're talking about this later" he says

"Stop acting like you care about me Ethan" I say quietly

"I do" he says

"You don't though, otherwise we would have done something about this" i say, "I'm not living by mixed signals anymore Ethan, I can't. Life's too short"

I walk back to the table leaving him speechless a few metres away from me.

I sit back down.

"I'm so glad that lessons are cancelled this afternoon" Ella says

"What do you mean?" I ask her

"Teacher training" Matt tells me and i nod

"So I can leave right now?" I ask

"Yeah, I guess. I don't know why we're all sat here" Mia says

"Okay, well I need to clear my head" i say

"I think I know the solution to that" Jaz says

"Shopping" Evie says and I force them a smile

"Or a run" I say and they all frown

"I don't run" Harriet says

"Of course because physical exercise is the worst thing to ever happen" I say and they guys laugh

"Your not like them, I like that about you" Matt says

"Thanks?" I ask

"Well well, look who it is" a voice says and i turn around to see Taylor

"I heard the bitch was back" she sneers at me

"I wouldn't back chat to her if I was you" Mia tells Taylor

"The worst thing she would do to me is give me a split end" she says

"More like kill you" Ethan scoffs

"Nice to see you too Taylor, I see that you've not grown much, what? Half an inch in three years?" I ask her

"Oh and your nose has changed? Oh did someone punch it and knocked it back into place?" I ask her

"It's called a nose job" she says

"I hope you complained, what surgeon made that mess on your face?" I ask her and she huffs before walking away

"Is that it?" I ask and she runs back towards me.

Okay maybe not.

I stand still right until she reaches me and steps to the side and she goes flying across the table.

Ethan laughs as she lands on Nate who shoved her off him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" She sneers

"I didn't do anything, you did that all to yourself" i tell her calmly and she screams before walking out of the doors and she slams them shut

"Well that was entertaining" Jake says and I laugh

"Come on, let's go shopping" Mia says

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