Chapter 38(4 Years Ago #2)

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4 years ago

Xander's POV

Its been 6 days since Xavier and I were kidnapped.

We are barely alive.

Honestly, I dont think we can survive this.

We've been tortured day and night and starved with barely any food and water given to us.

It's so cold. Xavier and I are cuddled up to each other trying our best to warm ourselves up. It's useless.

Xavier's brave facade has broken. His arm too.

When the guy and his friend was beating Xavier yesterday, I managed to shakily stand up and lightly punched one of them.

It barely did anything to the guy but one of them took a bat and smashed it against Xavier's arm.

The guy whose name we still didn't know, then nodded his head towards me.

His friend took the bat and smashed it against my knee.

That's the price I had to pay for trying to protect my twin. The fact that I couldn't protect him killed me.

My twin.

Yes we are both the same age but I'm an hour elder.

I've always protected my brother, him doing the same for me.

I'll always protect him.

The fear that both or either of us might not make it out alive is killing me.

I can't move my leg.

Xavier can't move his hand.

Blood is dripping out of the various wounds everywhere in our bodies.

Whip marks on our backs.

We are both scared shitless.

We've learned to just take it. No more winding them up.

Just get beaten and try to survive,in hopes that someone will find us.

The sound we dreaded most, his footsteps. We heard it yet again.

We begin shivering, because of the coldness? Partly. The fear was enough to shut the both of out cries of pain.

"Be strong brother" I whispered to Xavier.

How hypocritical of me?To tell my twin to be strong when I myself couldn't be strong anymore.

I want it to end. I dont want anymore pain.

Tears were dripping out of both our eyes.

The salty water, burning the wounds it touched.

"Hello boys" the man said smiling.

The smile that haunted us the past few days.

My vision blurred from my tears, yet I was still able to see the sickening smile of his.

"Since you boys really dont know anything about your brothers mafia business,I've made a decision".The guy said.

A tiny spark of hope bloomed in my heart.

Maybe, because we dont know anything he was letting us go.

Oh how stupid was I, to think that he would let us be free.

I was merely a young, naive, 13 year old. How stupid was it to have hope that he would let us go.

"Im going to let one of you go and kill another one" He said grinning happily.

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