Chapter 27

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Neil turning the alarm off and stares Avni who snuggles into his chest. He smiles and bending down pecks her forehead.

He gently untangles himself from her and gets down the bed. He went to washroom to fresh up.

Ruffling his wet hair and wrapped in towel he comes out of the washroom and found Avni still asleep.

He chuckles and recalls how last two weeks has been difficult for both them.

It's has been two weeks since the incident took place. Avni was recovering turmoil she went through. Her bruises were healed but she still fears remembering.

In between she got few nightmares but that has also stopped. Neil was taking her care of her. He stood beside her all the time she needed him. Both were more closer than before.

She couldn't leave any chance to hug him or starts clinging to him, though he doesn't mind. In fact he loves it when she close to him.

It has been rollercoaster since the incident took place. Both of them were healing from their past by with each other support and love.

Neil smiles and opens his closet. He pulls his attire out and moves to bed.

He placed it down and starts to get dressed. He glances in between at Avni who pretended to sleep.

Neil chuckles and thought to tease her.

Neil : I know you're awake Avni. I don't mind if you stare my body. I know I am hot and sexy. I definitely don't mind it though.

All he heard was her giggle and covering her face. Neil giggles and wore his shirt. He moves closer to her and unbuttoning his shirt buttons bends down pulls the duvet over her face and calls her name out softly.

Neil : opens your eyes..

He caressed her cheek lovingly. She opens her eyes and stares him. Her cheeks crimson and her stomach filled with butterflies.

Neil smiles and pecks her head softly.

Neil : morning. Why are you blushing dear? I didn't do anything yet..

She blushed again and using all the power, she pushed him and getting down the bed rushed into washroom.

Neil chuckles loudly and ruffling his hair starts buttoning his shirt buttons.

Neil ties the tie around his neck and tucked it perfectly. He then moves to dressing table ana brushed his hair. He then pulls a drawer and took his watch out and wore it on his wrist.

He picks up the favourite brand perfume and sprayed it on himself.

He puts the bottle down and glancing himself last time in the mirror walks away to get his phone and bag.

He checked few emails as he sat down on couch waiting for Avni come to out.

Neil lifts his head up hearing footsteps. He passed her a smile as she walks out of the washroom wrapped in a towel.

Neil : do you want me to leave?

Avni shook her head and starts moving to Neil's closets, soon to be theirs.

They got so comfortable with each other over the two weeks doesn't need hide anything from each other. They had faith and believe and trust between what they are sharing.

Neil smiles and chucking his thoughts away got back to reading the emails.

Avni pulling her attire she walks to bed and starts getting ready, very aware of his gaze on her. She didn't feel uncomfortable or insecure showing the scars to him. She knew what she was doing and how much trust she was on him.

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