RE 3 Arc Part 4: Escape from Nemmy

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Last time on Undead talking:

"Wow (Y/n). You are so manly~. Please take me now and push me down. Ive been a bad kitty, Nya~." Jill said, while wearing a catgirl maid costume and doing a cute pose.

"Well. If you asking so nicely-" 

"HEY! What the fuck are you doing on my computer (Y/n)?!" The author was suddenly yelling from behind.

"YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!" I yelled, grabbed his laptop and jumped out the window.

"Urgh. Great. Now I have to buy a new one and change my password." I (now the author) said.

"Ahem. Anyway. Enjoy the chapter."


(Y/n)'s pov.:

Eliza and I were now walking through the streets, trying to go back to the train station.

"Where were you just now? You suddenly dissapeared."

"Probably our god. I mean, without him this story and we wouldn't exist, at least in the way we are now." I said, while putting the authors laptop in a normal bag. The infinite space bag is still with amy.

"I don't even wanna know. Anyway, I forgot to ask before, but who was that chasing you?"

"Oh. That was just a big zombie lady who wants to get my sweet ass and drag me back to Umbrella."

"Umbrella? Are they responsible for this?" Eliza asked a bit shocked.

"Yup. And I bet that the big zombie lady is one of their latest weapons. Together with that other dude, who's after jill. Heh, at least my chaser is sexy. She got that fuckface dude after her yelling S.t.a.r.s."

She rolled her eyes, but still smiled at that.

We continued on our way towards the station.

Now would be a good time to introduce Eliza Walker.

She's Nineteen years old and lived,before she got here, in a big city. She originally went to Racoon city, because she wanted to attend Racoon University to begin her semester, but...., well you know what is going on right now.

Since childhood she had a big interest in motorcycles and was an avid motorcycle racer before coming here.

After she got here, she got attacked, managed to escape and found shelter in a house, before she finally stumbled upon our favorite zombie moron and helped him. Oh boy, if she knew what she had gotten herself into.....

"Thanks for the character introduction author." I said.

"Who are you tal- you know what, never mind." she said.

During their time walking together, she now knew what (Y/n) was and the bullshit he constantly talks about. And she wanted nothing else, but stuff his mouth with a grenade, so he will finally shut up.

*Timeskip Requiem*

We almost arrived at the station. We only had to go through one street and we're there.

"Urgh. Finally."

"Awww. Are you already missing my company?"

"You wish." She held up her gun, as we saw a 3 zombies approching us.

That is when I noticed one of them wearing a jojo shirt.

"Hol up a second I got this one." I said as I held her back.

"Alright?" she said and concentrated on the other two.

Me and the zombie now stood like 5 meters from each other.

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