Chapter - 6: Dirty Secrets

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"Ram, what are they saying?" Sujata asked in disbelief.

"I ... I don't know"

"Bhai, call Sanskar right now" Divya said in perplexed tone.

Everybody was stunned with recent news update; nobody was in position to believe the news. Their son was suffering, and they were unaware about it was hurting them the most.

Ram and Siddhant were looking at TV screen with blank expressions same was the condition of Uttara and Sahil.

"Bhai" Uttara mumbled with teary eyes.

"Sanskar please pick up the call" Sujata mumbled to herself.

Sanskar was in his cabin of Singapore office, he had already asked his PA not to disturb him. He looked at his mobile which was buzzing again and again with call from his mother.

He knew how much his mother would be worried for him. She must be crying by now. But he needed to calm his rage before facing millions of questions from his parents.

He would not give a shit to the media or public, but he cared for his parents and sister.

"Mom please don't worry everything is fine. I am fine. Just switched off the TV" Sanskar replied in calm and composed voice without giving a chance to Sujata to speak.

"Sanskar, how can I not worry about my own son?"

"What is this news? What are they saying?" her worry was oozing out with each word.

"Mom, I told you right just switched off the TV, have your dinner and sleep"

"Do you really take any treatment for...?"

She always thought and blamed him for being workaholic, but she never thought in her wildest of dream that her son could be facing some trauma.

He was hiding his pain under his nonchalant and workaholic attitude.

"Mom, I am coming back right now. I will sort out everything" Sanskar reassured with soothing voice and continued "Please give phone to Dad."

"Sanskar are you ok son?" Ram asked in concern.

"Yes, Dad I am fine. Don't worry"

"Is this true?" Ram asked in confusion. He hated himself for not paying attention to his son's needs.

"Dad, I will explain once I am back, but right now, please take care of Mom. She is taking this too much on her heart. I am rushing to airport in next hour."

"And please don't blame yourself for anything. You guys are the best parents I could ask for"

"Ok. Take care son. Come soon we are waiting for you."

"Bye Dad" Sanskar bid bye and cut the call.

"What did he say?" Divya asked impatiently still trying to console her sister in law.

"He is coming back, let's wait for his return"

"Jaydeep, increase security of the house. Whoever is it their car should be outside of the main gate." Siddhant ordered in stern voice.

Sujata was still sobbing and Divya was confronting her, whereas Ram and Sahil were making back to back calls to stop spreading of the news.

Mike was able to get the news off air from TV news channels, but it was still trending on Internet.

"Yes Sir" Jaydeep, Security head, of Maheshwari House replied with nod.

"Ram, I think we should hold press conference to deny this claim" Siddhant said in thoughtful tone.

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