Chapter Seven

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Andrea's POV

What have happened between us, Did Erica started have feeling to me too? She seems like adored me a lot of thing. Even she told me that she like my scent. To my surprised she kissed my cheek and this was her first time kissed me. I smiled while I was riding my motorcycle.

When I spotted Erica's fridge, I found that there don't have any food, so I decided grab some food to fill her fridge. I currently was at the convenience store to grab the food Erica like. I smiled and I think of her face expression when she mention the snacks she like, her blue eyes were lightened up and she grinned happily like a kids. I felt like wanna pinched her face.

After I have bought the foods and groceries I ready to get my motorcycle and leave but i felt have something hard hit on my head. I felt the warmed blood oozed from my head and felt someone pulled me to a back of the street.

I felt a punched on my face then I looked up, the person was that bastard. He grinned in sly "So, you were that dyke kicked my balls huh." I smirked and he tried to punch me again and I quickly grabbed his fist. He spat the spit on my face "You also like to play hard huh!" he kicked my guts and I groaned then he pulled my hair "What a waste be a dyke! You filthy bitch! Let me show you my dick is much better than dildo." I smiled and used my index finger traced from his lips down to his chest "Oh really? I would like to. Could you let me try?" I said in sultry and thankfully he stupid enough to buy my treat. He grinned in sinister "Good girl. See, that's so easy if you never protest and I will treat you nicely." Stupid jerk.

I teasingly placed my hand to his belt and slowly unbuttoned and opened his jeans. I trailed my hand into his boxer and held his balls. Ewwww! Those nasty balls. He started moaned with his eyes closed. Uggghh grossed. I smirked and used all my strength to tighten my grip to his balls cause him yelled in girly voice "Ow!!!" his face tightened and I could saw the vein popped on his temple "Stop! Bitch! Ow!" I tightened again and gritted "I was so regret that I din kicked your balls more than once." I spat "This is what you get after you have attacked Erica." I gripped again and quickly retracted my hands and kicked his balls again. He lay on the floor and holding his dick and yelled in agony.

"Freeze!" I stood still and I saw Eddie brought the policeman along with him. Thankfully we just set our GPS tracking apps. After I saw that bastard hand cuffed by the policeman I started felt dizzy and everything black out.


My eyes fluttered open and my eyes blinded by the strong light. I shut my eyes then slowly opened my eyes again. I saw everything in white, is that heaven? Of course not, idiot. I scanned around the place I realize i was in hospital. I felt my head was wrapped around and felt tight. Then when I glance to my right side I saw Erica laid her head besides me. I wonder where my parents around. Erica woke up and she rubbed her eyes then her eyes widened "You awake?" she quickly grabbed my one of my hand and other hand tried to touch my face I slightly winced. "Oh I'm sorry." I decided make a little fun to her.

"Who are you?" she looked at me in confuse "You don't remember me?" I pretend to think and hummed and she waited for my answer in expecting "I only remember there have a beautiful girl, her name is Erica. She is similar to you that pretty. Are you Erica?" I grinned and she rolled her eyes "Not funny." and hit my right arms I yelped she gasped and smacked her forehead "Oh I'm sorry." I realize her bruise was fade. Was I passed out more than one day? "How many days have I passed out?" I asked Erica "One week." I gasped she smiled "No I'm kidding." I chuckled then she continued "You have passed out 2 days. Your mum and dad just went to cafeteria to grab some food. I will inform doctor and them. They are worrying sick now." before she left I held her hand "Stay" she smiled "At least I make a phone call to your mum right here." I grinned and nodded my head.

"Oh dear. Finally you awake, we are worrying sick. Thanks god you are safe now." my mum smiled with teary eyes and quickly ran towards and hugged me. My dad sat next to me and patted my laps "Welcome back sweetheart." he smiled and I grinned at him while I patted my mum's back.

After the doctor review and informed that I could discharged the next day, my parents backed to work and left Erica with me alone now. Then Eddie came in with a basket of fruits and I laughed "Are you try to be polite?" he rolled his eyes "Hey, I bought what you need. You need these to recover yourself." he motioned the basket of fruits and I chuckled "Thanks dude." I smiled he nodded his head "Good to hear that you awake. Well, that bastard arrested and will be charged with Erica's and yours evidence." "Finally he gets what he deserved." Erica said with hatred "He not only hurt me, he hurt you too." I smiled and caressed her face "Well, I think he will think twice before he wants to fuck someone." Eddie chuckled and Erica cringe my choice of words.

"Good evening Miss Holland, we would like you to answer a few question for our further inspection of Chris Douglas sexual assault." the police officer said "Sure." I nodded my head. Then Eddie decided back to home and Erica waited at outside my ward. After finished answering the officer question, they took a few photos of my injured part then they left.

"It's late and you should go home." I smiled and Erica shook her head "No, I want to stay with you and I don't want to be alone." I chuckled and shifted myself and leave some space for her to join me "Okay, so I think is much better you sleep at here instead of your back hurt." I patted the empty spot for her to lay. She slowly climbed onto the bed and snuggled next to me "I feel great now, goodnight." she mumbled and I kissed top of her head and whispered "Good night princess."

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