23: Happily Ever After

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Chapter 23: Happily Ever After (Izza's POV)

Have you ever been asleep and woke up feeling like something bad was about to happen. That was me right now. I woke up to contractions. They just hit hard out of nowhere. My water still hasn't broken through, so I climb out of bed and stood for a while. I walked circles around my room. I could feel the pressure mounting and knew it was almost here. Dev's been gone for a while, but that's fine. Nothing has happened here yet. I squatted a few times while holding on to the bed. I was just about to give up and crawl back in bed for a while when it dropped. It felt wonderful and horrible both at the same time. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I cried both in pain and happiness. This is it. They are on the way.

I looked at the clock and it was 8 pm. Dev should be back any minute. I was still facing the wall while clutching the bed from my water breaking when I heard him enter. Something was off. It didn't smell like my mate. Maybe it was one of the nurses coming to check on me. I turned around to see Jessica standing directly behind me. At that very moment, she stuck me with a needle. My whole body felt like she set me on fire and I crumpled into a pile on the floor.
I woke up in so much pain. I was in a car and it was impaled into a tree. I looked to my left and saw Jessica's lifeless body. The sight caught my already tormented stomach to heave. There was a branch from the tree and it seems to be deeply embedded into her face. My stomach was cramping with back-to-back contractions. It seems that we are on the far side of the island, where there are mainly woods, beaches, and fields. The headlights shone on a shifting station about forty yards away. All I had to do was make it there.

The pain was excruciating as I tried to waddle to the station. I knew the inside would be clean and they would have a shower, towels, and water. I could deliver in those conditions. I didn't want to do this by myself in a bathroom again, but it looks as if I have no choice. I made my way as quickly as I could. It was still raining hard and the wind was whipping me around. My guess would be that's how the car ended up in a tree. I finally made it. My contractions were coming just minutes apart, and it was almost time to push. I found a pile of clean towels and threw them into the nearest shower. I stumbled in behind them as I looked down I noticed some blood and I could feel a head at my entrance.

I screamed out bloody murder as my worse contraction yet ripped through me. I gently made it to my knees. This was the handicapped bathroom, and it had a handrail to hold onto. I tried to reach out to Dev but whatever Jessica gave me had cut off that connection. I was seeing double as I pushed through my next contraction. I tried to control my breathing but I felt like I was dying. Dev please find me. I need you.
***(Devon's POV)***

I promised Izza two hours, but it turned into three. She hasn't mind-linked me yet and the last time I spoke to her nurse they told me she was sleeping. This was going to be a long-coupled of days. I think we are going to end up having to do a C-section. She just is not progressing. I let Jax know that I was heading back to Izza, and he still had a strained look on his face. He will be fine, just getting a little taste of what I have dealt with for over a decade.

I was smiling as I entered the maternity ward. "How's she doing Maggie?"

"Not sure. I just came on shift and haven't made my way in to see her yet."

I found my way to Izza's door. It was locked. The food should not be locked. "Maggie I need the key."

"What?" Maggie rushes to get the key.

"Something doesn't feel right," Dex said as I broke the door in. I turned on the light, and there was no Izza. There was a mess on the floor. It looks like her water had finally broken, but where is she.

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