24- Meddling with Memories

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??? POV

"So she killed an archangel?"

"Yes. We've never seen power like this since Lucifer fell."

"I see." I drum my fingers on the table.

This demon can not be allowed to live, but killing one with such power may prove difficult.

I scratch my chin in thought.

"Well what do you suggest we do?" I ask.

"Surely she cannot be allowed to live?"

"How do you suggest we kill a demon with that much power?" I lean forward, raising an eyebrow.

"Simple. We turn all the overlords against her."

Alastor's POV

My mind is fuzzy.

What happened?

The last time I remember is the extermination starting.

I slowly open my eyes. I'm in the lobby? What? I look around, a small candle is lit on the side table. I glance towards the door and notice the sun has gone down. It's night?

Something or someone stirs in their sleep. My gaze flicks to the other end of the couch where a demon is curled up fast asleep. Upon closer inspection that demon is none other than the wolf (Y/N).

She stirs once again in her sleep. I listen closer.

Is she whimpering?

Her tail tightens around her body. She curls into a tighter ball. Small whimpers come from the wolffish demon.

"N-no please." She mumbles in her sleep. Tears glisten in the low candle light.

As entertaining as this is to watch something in me says to wake her up. I sit up and place a hand on her shoulder.

"(Y/N)." I whisper.

Nothing happens.

"(Y/N)!" I say a bit louder, this time also shaking her a bit.

She bolts upright, suddenly awake. I slide back over to my spot on the couch. (Y/N) looks around, fear in her eyes.

I can't help but wonder what she dreamed that left her that shaken.

Your POV

It happened again, no surprise there. These fucking nightmares. I groan and rub my eyes trying to forget the dream. I barely register Alastor watching me from the other side of the couch.

I pull out my phone and glance at the time.

9:49 pm

The extermination will finish soon. Two more hours. I never sleep through an extermination, eh first time for everything I guess. I close my eyes as the memories come flooding back.

The angel, the fight, blood, pain, fear, anger-

My shadow, my magic-


I turn towards the deer demon.

Does he remember? No! He can't. I took those memories away. If he did he'd be trying to kill me right now.

I clear my throat. "How'd you sleep?" I ask.

"I slept fine my dear. However you seemed to have a nightmare. You were whimpering in your sleep." He responds.


"Oh." I look away to hide the blush that's creeping onto my face. "And don't ask. I don't wanna talk about it." I add.

"That's fine my dear. But I was wondering if you could inform me as to why we were sleeping on the couch?"

Shit! Uh.. what do I say? Quick I need to think of something.

I glance at the tv in front of us, getting an idea. "We were watching a movie and I guess we fell asleep." I shrug.

Alastor glances at the tv obviously skeptical. "What was the movie about?" He asks.

I shrug. "Some boring mortals movie about wolves and vampires. There was an epic battle scene between a wolf and vampire."

I flick my fingers, creating a new memory for Alastor. Taking my fight and making it seem like it happened in a movie. It's risky but I don't know how else to convince him.

"Ah I remember now." He says.

I breathe a sigh of relief. "Yeah, I think you fell asleep after the fight scene. Something about it not being very entertaining."

"Well from what I remember it wasn't."

I laugh. "Yeah."


"Yes?" I turn to look him in the eyes.

"Where is everyone else?"

"Oh, I don't know. Probably in their rooms, waiting for the extermination at finish." I yawn and stretch.

"My dear you look exhausted."

I hum in response. "Yeah but I won't be getting much sleep for the rest of the night." I pull out my phone again.


I sigh and stand from the couch, making my way to the kitchen. "If you want to go back to bed go ahead, I'm more than capable of keeping myself entertained. Seeing as this happens every fucking night." I mumble the last part. I enter the kitchen and flip on the lights. I squint at the sudden onslaught of artificial light.

When my eyes finally adjust I make my way over to the fridge. I look through the assortment of different foods trying to decide what to eat. My eye catches on a bag of shredded cheese. "Eh what the hell." I grab the bag and rip it open, taking a handful of cheese and shove it in my mouth.

Mmm. Nothing better than shredded cheese in the middle of the night.

My shredded cheese is pulled from my hands. I look up to see Alastor holding the bag. I give an annoyed huff.

What is it with this creep stealing my food?

"My dear this is not an adequate meal."

"So?" I cross my arms.

"If you'd stick around I'd be more than happy to fix up a batch of my mother's jambalaya."

I shrug. "Knock yourself out." I say taking a seat on the counter.

Words- 925

Another chapter down and the plot is starting up yay! Sorry it took me so long to actually get the plot started, I just had yet to figure out what direction I wanted to take the story. I hope y'all enjoyed.


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