Chapter 47

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Transylvania has got to be the coolest nightclub I have ever seen. The entrance simulates the front of a haunted house, but it's just a facade, since when you step through the door you find yourself still in the open air. It's an outdoor club, and the fun part is that to actually get into it, you have to walk through a marked trail lined with trees, where people in very realistic and creepy costumes are hiding, waiting for the right moment to jump out from the shadows and scare the shit out of you.

Once you're literally out of the woods, you'll find the dance floor, crammed with people who went all out with their costumes for Halloween night. Transylvania is much larger than the club we visited last night, and the night breeze flows freely since there are no walls to stop it. Bonus since it means less sweat, therefore less sticky bodies pressing against each other. The LED lights coming from the stage shine brightly, mimicking stars, and the crisp night air feels charged with electricity.

"Maddie! Maddie, we need you!" Ashley and Sydney come rushing up to me, kicking sand behind them, and almost making me spill my drink as they grab onto my arm for stability.

"What is it now?" I ask, shaking the liquid off my hand.

"We want to play a game!" Ashley states cheerfully, looking flawless in her nurse costume, even when tipsy.

"Oh, cool," I say, taking a sip of my drink, "What game are we playing?"

"Actually," Ash says in a high pitched voice, "Since you're the only one with a boyfriend, we kind of need you to be like a mediator."

"Nice, we all know the person who has the most fun is always the referee," I say sarcastically.

"Come on!" Syd begs, "We can't play without you," she pouts.

"Fine," I sigh, "What do I need to do?"

"So," Ash starts explaining the rules, "We'll gather up the girls here while you pick one guy, it can be any guy you want. You have to go up to him, ask him his name and memorize his costume. Then you come back, tell us what he's dressed as, and we have to find the guys wearing that specific costume, make out with them, and only then ask for their name. We'll report back to you with the name we got and repeat the process until someone finds the right guy. It's more fun if you choose someone with a generic costume that a lot of people are wearing, then it'll be harder to find that particular guy you picked."

"Sounds easy enough," I shrug.

"Perfect!" Ashley jumps from joy, "You take your pick and we'll meet you back here with the rest of the girls," She says and speeds off with Syd grabbing her by the hand. Looking up at the sky, rolling my head from side to side, I head toward the crowd.

I need some type of strategy, and the way I see it, I have two options. I can either pick someone wearing a popular costume, or someone wearing a very unique one that'll be hard to find, making a real life Where's Waldo out of the game.

A guy in a policeman costume catches my eye due to his monstrous height. He's decently attractive from what I can tell looking at his profile, enough to be of the liking of any of the girls playing the game, so I approach him as casually as I can, tapping him on the shoulder lightly. He turns around and doesn't see me at first, finally noticing me when he lowers his gaze to the ground. He towers over me, making me feel quite intimidated, even more so when he smirks and says "Hey Gorgeous,"

"Hi," I squeak, waving at him as I instinctively take a small step back, "What's your name officer?" I ask, trying my best to not to sound too uncomfortable.

His grin grows wider, "Jacob. What's yours, sweetheart?"

Gross. There's few things more revolting to me than being called pet names by strangers, "You know, I would tell you, but I think I'd rather exercise my right to remain silent, so...Bye Jacob!" I say, turning around and scurrying away.

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