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I have had this weird feeling some thing was off.

It's been a month since the whole Alex went missing drama and me being hospitalised.

We were hanging out in Alex's room, when I remembered the weird off feeling I've been having, which I told Alex about but he was all chilled and told me not to think much of it.

Not long after that, we slept off with Alex hand wrapped around me, I felt so safe and secured.

Most of all I felt happy.

We were cuddling.


I think I'm starting to like him, I definitely won't forgive him for what he's done but he's changing.

I like this Alex, he's so perfect.

Ever since he came back from the accident we have been hanging out alot, He has completely changed for the better but I can't brush off the feeling that something bad will happen, we all can't have a happy ending.

Maybe Alex has read my letters and he understands, why I try so much to be beautiful.

He should after all he is a work of art.

"Tell me something" Alex asked me one night while we were watching TV at my house, Mother was around and she wasn't in support of Alex hanging out in my room so ended up watching TV in the living room where she can keep an eye on us.

"Something like what?" I ask adjusting to look at him.

"Your fantasies" He responsed

"Um ok" that was so random

"Go on" He urged me

"Well I guess I fantasize about my wedding day, What dress I'll wear, What cake I'll have, What venue I'll choose, Who would be there...." my voice got low as images run through my head "and at the same time I fantasize about my funeral, what dress I'll be put in, What kind of casket I'll lay in and Who would be there, the sad part is that the only event I'll attend should be the one I'll be placed six feet under"

A lone tear escaped my eyes as I thought about it I was about getting up because I thought I made Alex too uncomfortable with the way he was silent but he pulled me back hard making me land on his lap.

"What are..." I never completed the sentence because he kissed me.

ALEX kissed me.

"Well the one I want to attend would be the one where you are dressed in the most beautiful white gown and wearing my ring on your gorgeous finger" He whispered after pulling away to rest his forehead on mine.

"You are too precious for this world and i-i-i uh uh I" He was struggling to say something but was finding it quiet difficult.

"It's ok" I understand I replied smiling making him smile too.

We ended the night in each other's embrace.

It was definitely a night I'll never forget

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