Chapter 1

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Toph didn't know how this happened, nor did she want to find out. But judging by the fact that she crashed into a table while people were eating. And the fact that one of them decided to throw knives at the sight of her landing on the table. Didn't send any good signs for her. So She ducked under the knives that were flying at her by listening to the sounds of it moves through the air. Then by using her seismic sense to get an idea of the room around her. Using the small bits of metal she was able to detect. Bending them to trap the person that threw the knives. That proved successful if another person didn't decide it was a good idea to shoot small pieces of metal at her. Which she gratefully dodged all them from hitting her. Sensing the metal in their hands. Bending it from shooting those little annoying pieces of metal. Moving said person to the wall, trapping them with the bits metal around them. Disabling the person from moving.

"Who are you and what do you want!?" Asked a male from right behind her. And judging by the vibrations from around her. There are six people right behind her in a battle stance. Plus the person in front of her is not saying very bright things to her face.

"You're tense," Toph said blankly. In fact, they were all tense. They were acting like she was going to attack them head-on.

"We wouldn't be if you didn't attack Jaybird!" Said another male.

"Okay for one, that one threw knives at me. And this one-," Toph gestured to the wall. "Shot small pieces of metal at me. So you guys were the ones that started it," explained Toph. She wasn't wrong. All she did was crash into a table after falling into something that she would've detected. But it appeared suddenly. Too suddenly when she was going on a stroll.

Which reminded her. She feels younger. Her back was no longer killing her. She has more energy than she normally did when she was an old lady.

"Now if you would excuse me, I am going to go take a nap outside," exclaimed Toph as she walked towards the door. To then be stopped when she jumped to avoid an object from wrapping around her ankle.

"You won't be going anywhere unless you answer our questions," said a tall male that was the first behind her.

Sighing, she turned around to look at the person in front of her. Well... more like looking at their body since she's blind.

"Fine, I will stay and answer your questions. If you explain why there is a cave right below this massive building," reasoned Toph. She seriously wanted to know why a huge chunk of earth is suddenly missing under this building. The last time this happened. She ended up subduing the person trying to kill her.

"Okay, I will tell you, if you get my son unattached from the wall," said the man. Toph sighed. And with a swift motion. The metal fell to the ground. Making the man free.

"How do you do that?" Questioned a young man.

"What do you mean?" asked Toph. 'Does he not know what metal bending is?' Thought Toph. Well, her time here so far is strange. Especially those little pieces of metal. They were interesting. But she has seen better.

"How do you move the metal?" Question the man.

"I metal bend," Toph deadpanned. 'Do they not know what bending is?' Questioned Toph. Her time here just gets weirder and weirder.

"Metal bend? What's that?"

'Okay, maybe they really don't know what bending is.' Thought Toph.

"Okay, what about Alfred takes..." started the man.


"Toph to a room. While we figure this out," said the grown man. Toph nodded and followed an older gentleman out of the room she popped into.

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