Capítulo Vinte: Os Pensamentos

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Gemma's POV:

Something I learned recently: Most people don't care about what's going on around them if the right price tag is attached to their obliviousness.

It's not like I came right out and asked the maids if Tobias ran a mafia, but I figured that some of them who claimed to know nothing, knew something. They had to know something. It's not like they couldn't notice the shady dealings late at night.

"Gem, you listening?" Zion asked, waving his hand in front of my face. I shook my thoughts away and plastered a smile on my face, sheepishly shaking my head.

"I think I missed the last few minutes." I admitted. Zion chuckled, then went back to telling me about his business. He was the owner/CEO of the most prestigious security firm in the world. Everyone who was anyone used Zion's company for security.

That, and Zion's company also manufactured their own tech. It was kinda interesting.

"Gemma, you zoned out again." Zion's words were coated with concern. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched me. I shook my head again, trying to clear out my thoughts.

"Sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me." I muttered, rubbing my forehead.

I didn't usually zone out during conversations. I wasn't that person. And, here I was zoning out throughout a conversation.

Next thing I knew, Zion's hand was on my forehead. I bat his hand away gently, a grin pulling at my lips.

"I'm not sick." I said laughingly. Zion rolled his eyes, but went to sit back down on his couch. We were sitting in one of the many 'sitting rooms'. There was a small coffee table between us, where several snacks were laid out in front of us.

I'd asked Zion about his business, mainly to try and figure out why I was getting an off feeling about him. It wasn't a bad type of off, but an off that told me he wasn't telling me the entire truth about his life.

Not that any of them were telling me the truths about their lives.

"She's probably bored out of her mind." Sinclair chuckled, walking into the room. I sent him a mischievous grin before launching a pillow at his head. He ducked swiftly, much to my disappointment, but threw the pillow back to me. I caught it before it could hit me.

"She is not! She's very entertained." Zion said, placing a hand over his heart in faux hurt. The twinkling in his eyes told me he wasn't actually offended.

"Sure she is. Tobias needs to talk to us about something." Sinclair said with a pointed look. Zion's spine straightened and he went into business-man mode. I wanted to stand up, just to see what they would do, but I stayed sitting.

I had tried to eavesdrop on their last brotherly meeting, but they were speaking in that unknown language again. I know so many languages, and of course the one that my mysterious brothers were speaking in wasn't one of the ones I knew.

"I'll be right back, Gemma, and then we'll see if I can keep you entertained." Zion said teasingly. I chuckled, nodding excitedly.

I realized, very quickly, that my brothers had a flair for theatrics. Meaning, when Zion said he was going to keep me entertained, I wasn't expecting anything small.

They left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. A ping distracted me from my thoughts that were already back on the mystery that was my family.

Zion left his phone sitting on the couch.


Should I?

It's not like he would ever know.

Then again, talk about a breach of trust.

Well, it wasn't like they were going to tell me anything. I just had to find out for myself.

I jogged over to Zion's couch and picked up his phone. A text from some guy named Julian was on the lock screen.

'Thompson is willing to pay six hundred thousand for hacking into NASA. Think it's a bit too little for hacking into the federal gov. Want me to up it ten hundred thousand?' The text read. My jaw dropped.

What the heck? Hacking into NASA? This was insane.

I looked at the passcode screen, biting my bottom lip as I glanced over the numbers. I tried one, two, three, four. It worked.

For a man who ran a huge security firm that was supposedly hacking into NASA he didn't have a great passcode.

I read through his texts to this guy, realizing that my brother's company was way more than he was making it out to be. He had people hacking into different establishments for certain amounts of money. His entire company, while still being a security firm that made its own tech, was also a hacker-for-hire business.

My lips were parted when the thought hit me. Zion started this whole thing. Zion had to be an amazing hacker. Zion had a company that was both very legal and very illegal, and it somehow worked.

I closed out of Zion's phone, the screen going black, and shoved the phone between two cushions.

I could feel my hands shake with understanding. Three of my four brothers were doing very illegal things for a living. I sincerely doubted that Damian would be a plumber when his three other brothers were some of the most dangerous men in the world.

Sinclair was the leader of the biggest, most feared motorcycle gang in the world. Tobias ran a mafia. Zion had a hacker-for-hire company.

What kind of family was I born into?

I knew even less about my brothers than I originally thought and that wasn't a good thing. When you don't know someone, you can't predict what they're going to do. Unless it's a really, really bad 80's movie that everyone can predict the ending to.

But what about Damian? What was he into?

He definitely wasn't a handy-man. I had seen him try and work a screwdriver once. I ended up having to use the screwdriver for him.

My thoughts were going a million miles per hour. I was absentmindedly picking at a muffin that was discarded on the coffee table. I picked a blueberry piece out of it and ate it. My thoughts were whirling around so quickly that I didn't even notice the screams at first.

But I definitely noticed the gun shots.

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