0.61 | A Resignation To Not To See My Bae

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Hours drifted away like seconds and Elizabeth didn't wake up. Her body went through the seeming rigor mortis change due to the last night's adventure and an hour invested in the police station ─  telling them her story from scratch wouldn't have been as tiresome if she hadn't been kidnapped by Arnold and beaten on the head. She hadn't even changed the last night's attire.

On the brighter side, she had slept peacefully like a princess. As she lived the fact that it was her alienable right to the goose (feather) down pillow she laid her head on, or to the Hästens she had her pressed against. She smacked her lips and stretched her arms. "Joseph. . . baby, make me a lemonade squeezing three lemons and a tablespoon of sugar garnished with leaves of mint."

She began to giggle with a straightened-up backbone. "Did you send Uncle Tom to bring Melessa, Maria, and Liam from school? No! You are an irresponsible father, Joseph. Get a move on!"

She lay flat on her stomach, laughing like a hyena. To cover her embarrassment, she hid her face with her hands. In Joseph's absence, she started to enact a part of their future married life. "I can't wait for it, Jose."

She was happy and contented.

Just as she lifted and drew the curtains to see the weather outside. Nothing new──it was gray. She whirled around to see a burgundy-haired maid coming in with a table full of food on the wheels. The smell of it cheered her up.

"I've made four rounds secretly to check if you were awake. Then, I thought that I shouldn't disturb you and let you rest. I see you have slept in the same dress."

Elizabeth smiled. "Actually yes. Yesterday, I learned a life-changing truth about myself. It surely sapped my energy, but it was worth it. And my head . . . my head." She yanked her hand on the wound and felt something liquid; it was blood.

Immediately the maid walked her to the bed. "Ma'am, let me get a first aid box!" she said and dashed to the bedside drawer.

"Why is it bleeding again?" Elizabeth murmured, thinking hard. She bent to get her phone. Dialing Joseph's number was the first thing that struck her mind more than anything else. "What's wrong with him? It's two forty-five and he's not picking up his phone."

The frantic maid wrapped the gauge and went away. Elizabeth grabbed her jacket from the couch and slipped into sneakers. The outlook didn't look quite convincing, but anyways . . .

She landed in Mrs Warner's office. There was no one in the room except a man whose fair complexion blinded her for a second. She was pissed off. Not because she couldn't see anything, but because he had occupied Joseph's sit.

"Who are you? Why are you sitting there?"

"Hello, my name is Theo Musk. I'm Mrs Warner's new personal secretary. If I'm not wrong you must be her daughter, Elizabeth War──"

"Where's Joseph?" Elizabeth's eyebrows knitted as she passed him a deadly stare.

He got startled and cast his mind back. "Are you talking about Joseph Holden?" he erred. She terrified him into telling more with the power of her wide eyes. "Yes. He left this morning. I'm appointed in his place."

"He left the job," she pressed in disbelief. Her back hit the door. "But, why so abruptly?"

She raked her fingers through her hair before glimpsing at the man and leaping to grab his collars. "What did he tell you?"

0.1 | No Exit from Deception ✓ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang