Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

Marco Aldana was a military brat. Not that I knew that from talking to him myself, but I overheard him talking to Ken on the plane as we flew to get our last group member. He shared that he'd grown up on military bases because his dad had been in the Marines since before he was born. He had no idea why he was chosen to be part of our group when there were two other kids in the hospital on base with him who had also tried to kill themselves that week. His best guess was because their attempts hadn't been as serious as his or maybe because they still had a father at home. The last part got my attention, but he didn't elaborate and Ken didn't ask any more questions about it.

I could see his face through the space between the seats in front of me and I watched him as he spoke. Marco's olive skin was smooth and his dark brown eyes were serious as he talked to Ken in the seat next to him. Every once in a while I could hear a little bit of an accent slip in and I wondered where it came from, and if it only showed up from time to time because he never got to stay anywhere long enough for one to really stick. He turned for a second and caught my eye and I looked down, not wanting to have to join their conversation.

The last flight was quick, and we pulled up outside a hospital somewhere in Florida while it was still before noon there. Dr. Crimm let us know that we could have something good to eat when we got to our final stop. We'd been offered food each time we'd gotten on the plane, but I hadn't seen anyone eat anything. The five of us followed Dr. Crimm up to a small waiting room on the third floor. "Wait in here for me. I'll be right out." She slipped her coat on and transformed herself into a doctor again.

Marco waited for her to leave and then moved to the door to watch as she made her way down the hall to the patient rooms. "Come on," he told us. He waved his hand in front of the sensor and opened the door. Damien took a seat in an open chair.

"And then what?" he asked.

"We'll figure it out." Marco said confidently.

Damien shook his head, staring down at his feet. "I'm tired. I don't have friends here and my parents won't want me to come home. You guys go on ahead. I'll take my chances with the crazy doctor. At least I'm out of my town." He folded his arms over his chest and slouched into his seat, closing his eyes and slowly rocking himself forward and back. Marco looked to Ken.

"I'm just going to slow you down. Where the fuck can I go with a broken leg?" He looked pointedly down at his cast. Marco moved his eyes to Shima and I. Shima looked away but remained planted in her seat. I just shrugged. I certainly wasn't going to run away with a boy in a state I knew practically nothing about.

"None of you are the least bit suspicious of this lady? She made a few calls and suddenly the military is handing me over, practically pushing me out the front gates they've been trying their hardest to keep me in for the last seventeen years. None of that seems odd to you? You're just going to sit here and wait for her to get another one of us to fly to God only knows where?" He looked around the room but none of us made any move to answer his questions. Damien didn't even open his eyes. "Fine." His tone was sharp and it was the first time I felt a small hint of the anger I'd learn he had brewing beneath that calm exterior. He moved to an open seat and huffed as he sat down, his leg bouncing with pent-up energy.

Marco reached for the old TV remote on the chair beside him. The screen lit up and a menu displayed our viewing options. He deftly chose the news and the sound of a large crowd could be heard behind a newscaster on scene outside a courthouse.

"This is Phil Chen on location. A crowd has gathered here in support of young Braden Ertz. Many believe he was wrongfully convicted of the murder of his fifteen-year-old high school sweetheart, Elsa Petran. Earlier today we were shocked to hear that Ertz has asked that all legal counsel be dismissed, as he does not desire to fight his execution, and in fact would like to be prescribed the controversial suicide pill, Repose7." Phil stepped back so the camera could show the large group of protestors.

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