Chapter 35

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No one's pov

"So what are we gonna do with Y/n?", Slenderman sighed and rubbed his head.

"Y/n will be back to their normal self in about 16 or 17 days. Each day they grow a year",

"What about their memories?", Jane asked while holding baby Y/n.

"Y/n will get their memories for every year that passes", everyone nodded.

"So, who's taking care of Y/n?", the door suddenly slammed open. They saw a smiling Splendor there.

"Is there a baby here!!", he looked at Jane and then squealed. He gently took baby Y/n in his arms and started cradle her. Slenderman sighed and pointed at his brother.

"Splendor will take care of Y/n for the time being", they saw Y/n giggle and grabbed Splendors hand. Y/n then bit his hand.

"Little Y/n is already teething! Let's go darling! I'll go find you something!", everyone watched as Splendor just left with Y/n.


It was actually pretty easy to take care of baby Y/n. She didn't cry much, she slept a lot and she'd get distracted easily.

"So, how's it been taking care of him?",

"Y/n is such a peaceful baby! I hope Y/n never grows up!", Splendor carried Y/n to the kitchen when Slendy said it was dinner time. Ben just stared at Splendor weirdly. Splendor sat down with Y/n on his lap.

He then heard a whine next to him. He looked on the ground and noticed Y/n's puppy. He smiled and picked him up and put him next to Y/n. She stared at Doggo for a bit until she finally hugged him.

"Aww, you're so adorable!", Ben, who sat next to Splendor was watching Y/n too. Sally smiled at little Y/n and Doggo.

"Bitch!", Y/n said while giggling. Everyone at the table looked at her before some of them started to laugh. Splendor picked up Y/n and held her close to his face.

"Oh no! Y/n! Who taught you that word!?", Y/n whimpered and started to make grabby motions towards Doggo while Doggo whined and tried climbing Splendor to get to Y/n. He sighed and put her back on his lap.

"Hah! Y/n already knew that word WAY before she was at the mansion!",

"So Y/n's had a potty mouth ever since she was little?",

"Exactly! Hehehe!", LJ said happily while snapping his fingers. Splendor sighed again and grabbed a spoon apple sauce and tried to feed Y/n. Keyword: tried. Doggo ate the spoonful of apple sauce.

"H-Hey! That's not for you!", Doggo looked down sadly and whined. "Wait! Don't get sad!", he started to pet Doggo. Splendor switched the spoon out and fed Y/n with the clean one. Splendor fed Doggo a piece of steak. Y/n whimpered and tried to grab the spoon. "Ah! Sorry Y/n!", he gave Y/n some more apple sauce.


Splendor smiled when he saw Y/n sleeping while hugging Doggo. He closed the door feeling quite proud of himself.

Splendor went back to the room in the morning expecting a baby Y/n. He saw a 2 year old Y/n in a dinosaur onesie. He gasped when she flipped him off while she had a pacifier.

She learned that when the older kids were left to take care of the babies. They thought it'd be funny if they taught all the babies how to flip someone off.

Splendor picked her and Doggo up. He walked towards Slendy and banged on the door. Slendy opened the door and saw a worried Splendor and 2 year old Y/n flipping him off.

"Why has Y/n grown more!?",

"That's how the spell works, she'll grow a year everyday until she reaches her age", he said while sighing.

"Oh. Ok!", Splendor went downstairs while trying to stop Y/n from flipping everyone off. "Please put your hand down Y/n",

Splendor walked inside the dining room and put Y/n and Doggo on a chair. He went to the kitchen to make food for Y/n.

Y/n's pov

I looked at the dog next to me. It's cute! I wonder who's it is.

I hopped off the chair and picked up the dog. I'm gonna go explore. I left the room and closed the door.

I'll call the dog Doggo for now. Until I find out it's real name.

I stopped when I noticed another dog in front of me. A big dog! It's red! I gave it a hug and kept walking.

"Ah ah ah, where are you going?", I got picked up again. I looked at the man. He looks like the other man just, without eyes.

I pointed at the hallway.

"There's no need for you to be there", the man hugged me and walked inside a room. A few other people were inside too watching a big rectangle with moving things.

He sat down and kept hugging me. I looked at the other people in the room. I waved at all of them. Some of them waved back and others just looked. The man from before opened the door.

"Where's Y/n!?", he looked at me and then at the man. "Y/n, come here honey", he sounds nice. I took out my sucky and held it to the man I was sitting on. He bit it and took it. I hopped off him and taking Doggo with me.

I ran up to the other one. He picked me and smiled. I waved at everyone while we left the room.

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