This is it!

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Raghav's POV:

This is it!!!

I have worn my Sherwani and Petha (head gear)... Naman I have no idea who is blooming like a lotus 😒

There's still there weeks for his marriage...This boy seems to be way too excited...he's literally made me bath with that perfume bottle which he got from Dubai...Hope the priest won't faint due the fragrance...I can literally choke and die at the smell...

Am I Nervous or is it this discomfort of getting into an unknown marriage...

Remember what Radhika said....'Raghs....Relax.....So many people in this world still go for an arranged marriage'

Even this like any other arranged marriage?

Isnt it complicated???

My choice becomes my sister in law and my wife is someone I never literally met or saw ...

While Raghav was still into his thoughts they heard priest come in along with Siya's father who came to receive Raghav so he could be escorted to the Mantap (alter) where the wedding rituals would take place...

Raghav went along with Vitthal to the wedding Mantap and took a seat...

Slowly post rituals the chair was took away from there and he could hear his cousins hooting... slowly his mother came and whispered in his ears saying Siya is coming don't attempt to see her before the cloth is removed in front of you by the priests...

Though I nodded my head I was like why does mom think that im eager to look at her ..she's literally a nobody.....

Slowly his inner voice told him... she's going to marry you...she's going to be the most important person in your life... that fear choked him... He asked for water and they offered him a water the time he gulped a few ounces of water he noticed two feet stand infront of him. Those let's were accompanied by many others...yet those two feet with Henna...looked beautiful with those heavy anklets looked most beautiful. He couldn't see her face as priests had a big red coloured silk cloth held between them before they look into each other before they exchanged garlands. This is as per Konkani tradition. And there was melodious stotra being sung by priests from both Raghav and Siya's side.

Raghav's thoughts continued:

This is it...She is here...god I'm marrying someone unknown... What was supposed to happen the most dreamy moment is honestly creeping the shit out of me...

Her legs are surely beautiful I must say... It's not like I'm eager to see her but my heart can come into my mouth any minute... While I still hear Aditi's giggles...she and my brother are together...I can hear them giggling...I am not jealous of Naman...I always wanted him to get everything he wanted... This is the first time I'm cursing my destiny to where it's brought me...

My brother's happiness turned into a lifetime's biggest gamble for me...

Sure Siya sounded a decent girl... pretty obedient and sweet...but that much isnt enough to lead a life...



Huhh... I don't even know her...


Love. .will you ever be able to love her Raghav?

I don't know..

Passion? Kids?


I just want this drama to end...

Why can't they just remove this cloth...I'll just marry her and it's finished...

Please bring this drama to an end....

But wait....isn't this just the beginning...


Breathe Raghav... breathe....

And then he heard the priests say...

Shubha Mangala Savdhaan....

The cloth between them was dropped...

Raghav looked at Siya...

She was dressed as a traditional Konkani bride...her eyes were on his foot...his gaze fell on her beautiful face..

He was speechless...

Slowly Siya's dad standing behind her held her hand and made her hands mechanically reach his neck and she made him wear the garland and that's when their eyes met for a minute...

It was unbelievable...

It wasn't expected

But there were sparks!!!

Destiny planned this one for us (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now