Chapter 32: The Epitome of Chaos

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[Monday, July 5th, 2010 - 4:19 AM]

Haz: Lou, helppp.

Tommo: what's wrong?

Haz: Niall won't stop harassing me.

Haz: Don't get me wrong, he's a great friend, but I want to go to sleep.

Haz: I'm tired and I'm getting more irritable by the minute.

Tommo: i didn't know you had that function

Tommo: frankly, i'm not sure that i want to meet scary harry

Haz: You're about to.

Tommo: okay, fine, calm down

Tommo: no need to get your knickers in a twist

Haz: Leave my pants out of this.

Tommo: i'll talk about your pants when i please

Haz: You made it weird, it's weird now, I'm considering blocking you.

Tommo: wait, this should be the other way around

Tommo: you're the one that makes it weird

Tommo: i'm supposed to block you

Haz: What? No.

Tommo: dear god, what have i become?

Haz: We don't have time for an existential crisis, Lou.

Tommo: impatient much?

Haz: Very.

Tommo: why don't we add him to the chat and I'll deal with it.

Haz: Yeah, yeah, just do it already.

Tommo added Payno to the chat.

Payno: Louis? Why have you added me to this?

Tommo: shit, wrong person

Haz: How did you even mess that up? You have like one friend.

Tommo: yeah, and it's your mum

Haz: Impossible, she doesn't associate with peasants.

Payno: Good, god, I didn't think the legends were true

Payno: I've never seen anyone sass Louis and live to take their next breath

Haz: I reckon it's cause I've worn him down, he's too tired of me to bother at this point.

Payno: Hey, I like you. I'm Liam.

Tommo: and he's taken

Haz added Nialler to the chat.

Tommo: why have you gone and done that

Tommo: do you realize what a horrible mistake you've just made?

Haz: I was trying to help, we came here for a reason, didn't we?

Nialler: Ayy Tommo, long time no talk

Tommo: i preferred it that way

Haz: Ohh, never mind. I see the problem now.

Payno: Hi, I'm Liam, friend of Louis'. Nice to meet you

Nialler: Too formal, not for me

Haz: I've made a mistake.

Tommo: you don't say

Payno: How was I too formal? I just introduced myself

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