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*Ring* *vrrrrv* *Ring*

Slowly opening her eyes, Sincere raised her head lazily to see who was calling her phone.

*Unknown Caller*

Pushing the decline button, she looked at the time and began to sigh, annoyed.

5:15 am
Getting out of bed and walking to her small bathroom a cross from her, turning on the shower, she began to turn on her portable speaker and play her morning playlist while she smelled the aroma of bacon and pancake syrup fill the house.
Done with her hygiene routine she walked back to her room, body half dried and waist length hair dripping wet still, she made her way to her closet for her favorite part of the day. Picking todays fit.
"Do i wanna be classy ratchet today? Or steal her man ratchet? The fuck I'm talking bout? I'm classy ratchet and can take a bitch nigga haa!" she said to herself. Following the rhythm to Act up by city girls, she thoughtfully chose out her days outfit.
Matching with a tank crop top with a lightblue high waisted ripped skinny jeans, she grabbed her brand new air force ones to complete the outfit. Keeping the makeup light for her base when she got to work, she ended up doing a light brown smokey eye and mascara for her already long lashes then putting her hair in a messy bun and did her baby hairs.
Looking at her phone to check the time, she grabs her charger, carkeys, and her duffel bag with her work clothes and starts heading for the door.
"You not gunna eat nothing angel?" Her grandmother Denise asked, placing her full plate of pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs, and grits including her glass of orange juice on the table.
"Mama D, you know i don't eat breakfast." She replied, haulting at the door to turn to her grandmother.
Shaking her head, Mama D slugged her way to the small kitchen table, where she sat to eat.
"I don't know why you always gone this early. It makes no sense for a young lady to be out at this time of night.. or morning as i should say." She side eyed Sincere. Knowing she couldve been up to no good, she knew her granddaughter can take care of herself. She knew what she was doing but she didnt speak about it because it was lead to an argument about her medical bills and medications Sincere pays out if pocket for.
"Because i gotta work. For rent and you medicine and bills bills bills." Sincere sang, walking to the table and sitting down. She picked up a fork and ate. Avoiding eye contact, she felt her grandmother's glaring at her fave, making Sin's cheeks start to burn.
Before her grandmother can get anything out, Sin dininshed her plate, and washed it off, kissing her grandmother on
The head and blurring out she was going to
be home late, she grabbed her bag and blew kisses at her grandmother, closing the door behind.
Getting in her 2003 Dodge Charger , she hooked her phone to the auxiliary cord and played High Fashion by roddy rich turning up the volume as she zoomed down the street to work.
Sincere Capone was born and raised in Chicago with her grandmother before she turned ill. Watching her grandmother run her restaurant and seeing her health slowly deteriorating, she knew soon they would have to closed shop and struggle with her grandmother's mortgage. So at sixteen , and with her being very good at saving money like her grandmother taught her and her grandmother's savings, they both made the decision for them to move to Los Angeles where she made aragements for her grandmother to see the better doctors.

Never knowing her parents who died when she was three, she heard from ease dropping on her grandmother and her sisters that her father left her a large amount of money and that she never seen any paper work for it so she knew it was just a lie spreading around the family as to why Sin was left nothing.
Since she never thought of asking about her parents, Sin became worried of her grandmothers health and knew she had to do something. Looking back at all thing things her grandmother did for her when she had no one, it became her number one priority to help her grandmother get better. She made friends along the way and they helped her forget about all the stress she was going through to get her grandmother to feel better, she knew she found her friends for life and onew they was down for her for whatever.
Working at Eudora, one of the biggest gentlemen clubs in Los Angeles county, she quickly needed the money for the stack of bills piling on her kitchen table, she gotten acquainted and got her girls a job where they can all have fun and get paid all in the same day.

"I don't even know why we even come in on Mondays! I be dead as fuck in here!" Said Biyanca Wallace, slouching in the bean bag chair in the corner, crossing her arms and pouting. She was planning on taking the day off but thought would she rather sit on her ass or go make some money.
Biyanca was the goofy bougie friend. Beautiful coco brown skin that had a natural highlight skintone. Waist slim with a bottom that followed and always with the bomb outfits like the girls. As you will see, they always dressed to impress.
Biyanca was fiesty and always had her weave 28 inches or longer and nails stayed done. But it wasnt always like thats. She came from a single parent home where she witnessed her mom having to struggle to put food on the table and seeing little of her father, she ending hanging with a bad crowd, and started skipping school, she ending up going to continuation school to work on her credits where she met forever friends.
Sincere being the quiet one of the group, she was also the hot head. Mesmerizing men with her looks, she never had time to date taking care of her grandmother and keeping a roof over there head. Having the lightskin complexion as her mother, she had a curvaceous figure that girls work hard for.

Pulling up the Eudora, Sincere parked in her usual spot, walking through the doors and saying hello to all the security staff and bartenders for the day.
Walking to the backroom where the girls got dressed, she seen Biyanca sitting in the bean bag chair, and Jazmine applying mascara to her falsees (fake eyelashes everybody 🤦🏾‍♀️).
"Girl you better be glad you got a job and not sitting at home broke." Sincere joked.
"On JEESUUUUUAHS!" Jazmine yelled then fell out laughing.
Jazmine Smith was a petite shorty with a redbone tone. She always had her hair slayed, loved to dress girly girl and accentuated her bright features. Carrying herself classily, she loved attention. She received gifts from her admirers and little trips here and there but always wasted her time and move on to the next. She eas the last addition to the clique and was always the turn up princess, turning up to any song that plays on the radio and was finding the new hustle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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