I'm Yours

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Lotor's POV

I confidently strolled through my ship. The purple lit hallways glistening, my boots tapping against the metal floors a smirk on my face as i hear the marching of my soldiers. I continue to head towards my chambers. As I walked into my Master bedroom I see my reflection in the mirror. My head held high and strong stance. 

*I'm nothing like the child i used to be. Who was always striving for my father approval.* I think to myself as I take off my coat leaving just my armor on. *I've gotten Galra completely under my control,  captured all the paladins, have all the lions in testing, i even made my own father tremble before me before ending his miserable life.*  Sitting on the edge of my bed i stretch and smile. *I've done more in my rule than my father did in 10,000 years. He was nothing but a mindless power hungry brat. No real strategy."

I slowly start taking off the armor covering my body. I remove my gloves. My long, slender, Altean fingers sliding out. Clenching my fist as I stretch them. Next comes my shoulder and chest plate,  I pull them carefully  up and over my head making sure my thick, long hair doesn't get caught. finally I pull off my boots and pants and head to the shower. Getting into the steamy shower room I grab my bathing cloth and begin washing over myself. The hot water trickling down my tinted skin. I watch as the suds gathered in the grooves between each of my eight abs. I continued bathing and decided to... relieve some stress. I start to trace my hand down to my-

"Lord Lotor?" A guard calls as he walked into my chambers uninvited. Which i will make him pay dearly for.

"My Lord?" He calls louder sounding very impatient.  Angered at the lack of respect i turn off the water and walk out fully bare.

"What?" I ask toweling off my hair as he begins to turn around.

"My lord the red pala- ah!" He exclaims as he see's my naked seven foot form. Turning back around quickly he shields his eyes. "W-what are you doing!?" he yells quizzically. 

 "Well i assumed what you need must of been extremely urgent  for you to come in unannounced, uninvited, not knocking nor giving your Emperor the basic respect of waiting for me to respond. Now turn to me and tell me what you needed." I order, still standing tall.

He stood where he was contemplating his response. A defiant one I gather.

"oh and before you make the mistake of arguing with me you have committed multiple acts that would get you sent to the Ulippa system, where you would rot with the ice worms." I growl. "choose your next words carefully."

I watch as he turns to me, trying to make eye-contact and not let his eye wonder. He cleared his throat as he began to explain.

"The red Paladin has been calling for you non stop. He has hurt himself by scratching at the doors, pulling out his own hair and various other attempts to get our... attention."  I felt his eyes trail down my body as I turned around to get some pants.

"Hah you seem to be interested in something." I chuckle hearing him turn back around. "I know its impressive but if it's that shocking I know why your wife isn't satisfied." I laugh. "I will be there in a few minutes. Tell them to clear the halls. I want to handle this alone."

"Yes m'lord."

"You are dismissed." I order putting on some boots to go with my pants. Once he leaves an evilly eager smirk spreads across my face. "I think he's finally cracked" i say to myself smugly as i put my sword in its sheath on my pants. I walk briskly to the the paladins and once i open the huge metal door I'm utterly surprised at what I see.

"I-I'm ready to obey my Lord." I hear as I see Keith bowed before me, arms extended and palms up. I smile darkly unable to hide my pleasure. 

"you are huh?" I say crouching to his level and grabbing his chin to make him hold eye contact with me. "Then tell me what you are."

"I...I'm nothing." He asks. 

I strike him with the back of my hand across his face.

"Wrong. Say what you know you are." I order again darkly.  He shivers in my hand and gulps fearful of giving the wrong answer.

After a few seconds of silence I drop his head and kick his side.

"I knew you were lying to me. Lance taught you nothing. I will have to punish him greatly for it." I say going to leave.

"No! Please!" Keith yells as he desperately grabs my leg. "Tell me what you want me to say a-and I-I'll say it m'lord! I swear!" He sobs.

I sigh and grab his hair forcing him to look at me. 

"You've got one last chance to answer me toy. What... are... you?" 

A flash of realization followed by shame crosses his face. He paused again and loved his head.

"I'm Owned my lord. Owned by you. I'm... yours."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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Yes, My Lord.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ