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Caroline's POV


Someone who looked like a goddess appeared in front of me.

"Hello, my name is Eve. You are Caroline-"

"8 years old!" I said proudly.

Eve smiled. "Yes, you are very special. I am going to tell you something about you that has never ever happened before..."

Suddenly, I smelt Fane coming my way. So, I did the most reasonable thing. I made myself invisible. Yes, invisible. Eve told me I was different from everyone. I had magic, but I wasn't a witch. How do I explain this... i am magic. Kinda.

Caroline! Why turn yourself invisible! I want to go to mate! Sapphire whined.

You seem to whine a lot these days, I commented.

Then I heard Fane growl. His eyes glazed over, like he was mind linking someone. So, I cut through the link. Heh, yeah, I could do that too.

I heard Fane mind linking Jake, Ann, and Sally. He told them that I disappeared and told them to look for me. I rolled my eyes.

Hmmmmm. I want to see something... I smirked.

I let my eyes turn golden, and I started reading Fane's mind.

He was definitely agitated and angry. He was fighting with his wolf, Conan. Then, when I stumbled a bit because I was laughing too much, I stepped on a branch. Fane's glowing black eyes turned toward my direction, and he growled. Then he moved towards me.

I turned and carefully walked away. I couldn't afford having my cover blown. It was a terrible idea.

Not to mention the mate bond pulling me back.

Fane's POV

Where the fck is she? I was really frustrated. How could she suddenly disappear?

Then I heard a branch snap. My head snapped toward it. I thought I saw something move away from me. I sighed. I turned back to the pack house.

Conan growled. "How could you fucking lose her? You're such a dim witted sand snorter!"

"I know, I know," I sighed.

Suddenly I heard some leaves rustle next to me, but there was no wind. It was like someone ran past me. I growled. I quickly ran toward the pack house.

When I arrived, I saw someone eating Nutella in the kitchen.

Caroline? How'd she get here?

I didn't even smell her scent! So what actually happened?

So? What do you think? What else is Caroline hiding? Who do you think Eve is? Any suggestions?

So? What do you think? What else is Caroline hiding? Who do you think Eve is? Any suggestions?

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Lol so true...

And pleaseeeeeeeee donttttttt forgettttttttt tooooooooooo

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