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"Everything means nothing if I can't have you."

Ava Morris

"Where are we going?" I asked as I searched for my belt. When there was no reply from Brad, I turned around to see him looking at my boobs. "Brad!" I threw the pillow first before pulling on my t-shirt.

"What?" He pouted as I put on my tee.

"I asked you where we are going?"

"It's a surprise, Ava." I rolled my eyes as I got my belt. He wandered to where I was standing and held my ass in his hands. He does that every time I put on jeans or shorts. "I love this so much." I laughed, nodding my head. "Yeah... You do..."

"I don't want you to fall asleep." I winked. "I'm serious, I don't want you to fall asleep in between our date."

"Hmm." I kissed him on the lips. "I won't fall asleep." Brad had been travelling back and forth. I'm not able to travel with him. With everything going on here, we aren't finding time to spend together. Brad has been feeling uncomfortable about it.

"I feel like we need to take a long break and lock ourselves in the apartment. I'm not getting enough attention from you and it is frustrating, not having you beside me."

"Brad, we have responsibilities and we cannot ignore work. Sooner or later we will get habituated. I know it's frustrating but we do not have any better option." I packed my bag while he thought about it.

"I have made up my mind." I hummed for him to continue. "By the time we have our kids, I'm going to retire." My mouth dropped and I looked at him.


He pulled me into his arms. "Yes, being in the ring is dangerous. Right now, we are doing well. I have made good savings and we can invest them in good sources. The academy is flourishing, I can retire and put my solo focus on the academy." He kissed my forehead as he continued. "Once, we had our kids. I don't want to be the parent who stays away most of the time. I want to be the parent who is present all the time." The last words were a whisper.

I felt tingles as I looked at him. I always wanted to have a family with Brad but I wasn't sure if Brad wanted to have a family or not. With the kids in the hope home, I concluded that there was no need for us to have kids. We are in love with them.

"You want to have kids with me?" He tucked my hair whilst searching for something in my eyes. "It depends on your decision. If you do not wish to have kids. I will respect your decision." I smiled at him and hugged him.


I looked at my toenails that were painted by Brad. I looked out of the window. My brows frowned as I remembered this road and street.

"Where we are going exactly?" I asked.

"It's a surprise, Love. Have patience..." He stopped after a while in front of a large suburban house. I sat there with suspicion as he got down and rounded to my side.


"Whose house is this? Why are we here? Are we meeting someone?" I stepped out of the car. The house looked stalwart and sumptuous, I wanted to have this kind of home but it's kind of hard to have suburban houses here. The lawn is green and the house looks new.

"Why don't we go and see whose house is this," Brad said pulling me to the front. They have a nice front yard. Brad looked nervous as he pulled something out of his pocket. My eyes widened in horror when I saw the keys.

"Don't tell me this is your house?"

"It's ours." My mouth dropped as I looked at him. I know he is not joking. He unlocked the door, "Come on..." He pulled onto my hand gently. I reluctantly followed him inside. I'm yet to process everything and this feels too much to take in.

"I-I―You... How?" My eyes can't leave the walls or anything. The interior of the living room we are standing in is beautiful. The walls and everything are empty. I was taken aback when I realised the interior matched the Pinterest board that I had created.

Brad wrapped his arms around me from the backside "Marry me and move in with me here." He didn't give me a moment before I knew he slipped the ring on my finger.

"Woah! Wait a minute. I didn't say yes, Brad. You need to put the ring after me saying yes." I said even though my heart fluttered and I felt like jumping around and yelling my heart out that I was going to marry this amazing person and I would get to call him MY HUSBAND for the rest of my life.

"I'm nervous and I cannot handle your rejection. You can keep the ring even if you are not ready to marry me." He looked around, not meeting my gaze. His hands are shaking, he is nervous. "I know I'm being selfish and desperate. I cannot help when it is you. I― I don't think I can live away from you. I have pictured the future with you and me together." I gulped the lump. His words held a message clear.

"Are we alone?" I asked him.


"You sure?"

"Yeah." He looked at me with anxious eyes.

"Let's christen this place babe," I said brushing my lips against his. It took him a few seconds to understand my words.

"Is that a yes?"

"Of course, it is a YES! I would marry you... only you... Even if you ask me another ten times." In seconds our clothes were flying everywhere. I made sure he didn't tear any clothes.

"Decorate this whole place like you always wanted," Brad said as he sat on the step with me on his lap.

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