He's with her now.

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Maya's POV

I rest my forehead on the table and groan. I listen to the sound of feet shuffling and loud chatter as students make their way out of the class.

"Maya, are you alright?" I hear the voice of my ecology professor and I look up.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I reply with a small smile.

She returns it with one of her own.

"If you're having any problems in class, feel free to let me know." She offers, her words laced with her British accent.

"I will." I nod.

I get up and grab my backpack, laptop and textbook. I say goodbye to Professor Allen before walking out of the large room.

I wish I could sit down and tell her all my problems but I can't. I can complain to her about how difficult I'm finding college and how stressed my schoolwork is making me but that's all I can say to her. I can't explain to her how I'm stressed out about my love life.

That I'm with Maxwell Jones but I keep thinking about Mason Wilder.

I haven't seen Max the entire week. We've both been very busy and I haven't had time to see him except around campus for a few minutes. We couldn't even have lunch together even once.


I stop in the middle of the hall, looking around me to find who's calling my name.

Max appears in the midst of the students walking around and I smile when he waves at me. His backpack is slung over one shoulder and his hand grips the strap.

"Babe." I reply and give him a kiss on the cheek. "How're you?"

"Terrible." He says and my face falls. "I've missed you."

He pouts and I smile before hooking my arm through his. We begin to walk out of the building in silence.

"Any plans for this weekend?" He asks as we step onto the grass surrounding the area.

I shake my head and he continues.

"I was thinking we can just chill at my place and watch a movie or something. We could go out if you'd like."

"Oh, I wish." I sigh. "I've got a lot of work and studying to do."

"Bummer." He groans. "I hardly see you."

"I know, I know. We can do something during the next week. I'm sure the professors will have calmed down."

"It's Mason's birthday on Wednesday." Max states and I stop.

"Oh..." I realise I never knew when his birthday is.

"Yeah. Chris and I are thinking of doing something small for him. You, Bianca, Zoe and Pey should come."

"Definitely!" I beam.

"What exactly are you guys planning?" I ask and we resume walking.


I'm in my bedroom, jotting ideas for Wednesday evening in my notebook. Max said it'll just be his closest friends. Well, plus my friends. We'll have dinner, cake and snacks and play some games. I'm compiling a list of Mason's favourite things and all of Max's ideas.

I've realised that I barely knew much about him. Well, the little things. I knew what his biggest fears were but not his favourite cake.

"So, you didn't know when your boyfriend's birthday was?" Zoe asks from behind me.

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