Chapter 6

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Even though this chapter may be pretty boring, it does hold some clues to Taehyung's past and what he does, so I recommend you to read pretty carefully.

Also, Thank you so much for 300 reads!! 💖💖

VI: Jungkook 

When I walked into the reading room, the first thing I saw was Jimin and Baekhyun playing a game of Othello on beanbag chairs. They almost looked like two humans simply enjoying a good game, but the sharp fangs and pitch-black clothing said otherwise. As I got closer, I could hear their conversation.

"I believe I win." Baekhyun said, putting down a white circle next to Jimin's black.

"Not quite, Baekhyun." Jimin tallied up the points on a pad and smirked in Baekhyun's direction. "This game goes to me."

I thought Baekhyun was going to try and vaporize Jimin right out of his beanbag with his amber eyes, but he just sighed, as if he was used to getting beaten by his friend.

He then turned in my direction, looking me up and down.

"Oh look, he's alive," Baekhyun said disdainfully. "To be quite honest, I was kind of hoping that you were dead." I frowned. Even for Baekhyun, that seemed a little too much.


"Don't be rude just because you lost a bet, Baekie," Jimin chided, holding out his hand as Baekhyun dug out three gold coins from his pocket with a sigh. He plopped them into Jimin's waiting hand, and the latter pocketed them with a smug smile. "I told you; Taehyung would never disintegrate his soulmate."

"Hold up. You guys bet if I was going to live or not?" I asked, annoyed. Baekhyun shrugged. "What else did you expect us to do while we waited?"

"I don't know... finish your game? Go on missions? Read a book?" I stretched my arms wide, indicating towards the towering bookshelves which filled the room. "You guys are in a library for heaven's sake! Do something more productive than betting on my life!"

"Betting on your life is productive," Baekhyun pointed out. "Humans have such a short lifespan, that you never know when they'll die. It's quite amusing, actually." He smiled, and I had the sudden urge to remind him about Fuzzy Wuzzy. But Jimin's voice distracted me.

"And... Jungkook," Jimin licked his lips. "I would be more careful invoking the name of the Great Above, if I were you."

"The Great Above? You mean heaven?" Jimin winced. "Yes, the H word. Vampires are naturally creatures of darkness and blood. To us, the Great Above is almost like an enemy, with all its light and happiness. Not many of us would look kindly to you using the H word in any context, good or bad. Instead, we call it the Great Above."

"The Great Above... fine." I sighed. "Anything else I should know about before I accidentally offend any more vampires?"

Jimin shrugged. "Not really. We're really not that picky with words. Now," he got comfortable in his blue beanbag. "Tell us all about what happened in there." Even Baekhyun seemed interested, looking at me through narrowed eyes.

I hesitated. "I guess I almost died," I started out slowly, ignoring Baekhyun's mumbles of, 'Almost, isn't good enough.'

"I accidentally fell into the void, and Taehyung had to help me out. He also explained the concepts of soulmates, and..." my voice caught in my throat. "He said that I was his soulmate."

Jimin nodded. "That you are."

"But how?" I blurted out. "How can a human like me be destined to be with a Vampire King like him? I just don't get it."

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