26 - [EDITED]

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Two months had passed. Ashley was now back on her feet and she had managed to overcome her fear largely. She was no longer getting startled or her heart didn't skip a beat when her family appeared out of nowhere. She was getting there.

And since she was better, the whole family had gotten into the wedding mood. 

They decided to have the wedding one month before Bella's birthday, because for some weird reason Bella didn't want to get older. Older than Edward. Which was absurd for Ashley because he was already way older than Bella.

It was the start of August, which meant that the wedding was less than two weeks away. Alice was in hyper-focus mode into the wedding and was giving orders left and right. No one was brave enough to ask her to calm down.

Ashley had decided to go to WSU. It was obvious Bella would be changed shortly after the wedding and the University of Alaska would be a good cover-up. It was close to the Denali's too. 

Plus, WSU wasn't that far away from Forks that she wouldn't be able to see Paul. But it was far enough that no one else would be able to see something suspicious.

She would leave for college right after the wedding and get settled into the dorm. They had three weeks of orientation for the freshmen before the term started. 

It was a long period of time for orientation Ashley thought, but hey, she would be starting her college experience earlier.

She didn't know what the rest of the family would be doing, they'd probably not get apart like months ago so Ashley suspected they'd move to Alaska with Edward and Bella. 

She didn't know yet, what would happen. All of the 'kids' of the family had graduated either this year or the year before so there was not really a reason for them to stay here anymore. No cover-up.

Ashley was a bit worried about her and Paul's future. They had never tried long-distance before. She knew she loved him and that he loved her back but it scared her. 

Every time they tried to talk about their future it led to a heated discussion.

Paul would say that he would have no problem following her to the ends of the world but Ashley didn't want him to give up what he wanted because of her. 

It made her feel selfish. Paul would argue back with what he wanted was her and her safety. It was a dead-end every time.

Ashley was just done having breakfast and getting dressed. She was going to the beach down in La Push with the pack. Alice was sitting on a desk, looking through magazines for the wedding. "Auntie, quick question,"

Alice looked up. "Yes, sweetie?"

"Have we finalized the guest list? It's solid?" 

Alice sighed. "I already counted him,"

Ashley smiled. " Great, thanks," she quickly kissed her aunt's cheek and walked away.

Emmett was standing in the doorway of the garage. "Not so fast, little lady,"

Ashley pouted. "Dad! You said I could go," she muttered. 

He nodded. "Yes, I did. But we need to talk about curfew," 

After she woke up, Emmett had grown quite more 'comfortable' with her daughter dating. Especially a wolf. But he was trying. He had a chance to see and observe Paul during the wait and he was almost convinced he was okay. 

Still not fully, in his eyes, no one was enough for his little daughter.

"Dad, I'm eighteen," Ashley mumbled. 

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now