chapter 18

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Hi all

In our life there are some questions that has its own time to be answered. You cannot just google them and get your answers.

Its more complicated than the problems of mathematics. You cannot just add or substract them.

I was going through the same. So many questions to be answered and so many reasons to search for. Some for happiness, some for curosity and some for mental peace.

I know I was being philosophical or maybe insane.

I wanted to know the reason of my nani's hate, the true identity of ARIndia, though it was not that serious matter and the most complicated one was the relationship between Arnav and I.

But whatever turmoils I had, I was leaving them with time and god. I wanted to enjoy these small moments of happiness in between the sadness.

The warm and comforting hug with Arnav had made me forget all my problems. It was like magic.

Holding hands with him and being in his arms had a natural feeling not the awkward feeling usually I get with others.

I know we didn't know much about each other but we knew something that had made us reach to this point.

We didn't need much words to understand each other.

After that emotional breakdown, we sat there for few minutes with a peaceful silence which had its own melody.

After school was over, Arnav refused to let go of mine hand.

We walked together to our homes. He was really sweet. He made sure that I reached safely before going back on his way.

But they say that you cannot expect happiness to last longer.

When I entered home Nani ji was standing with her face red. Maa was nervously looking here and there.

When they heard me enter, Nani ji like a lightning bolt came in front of me and a thunderous sound echoed followed by my mother's shriek.

After the initial period of shock, I realised my hand cupping my cheek and it dawned on me that the thunderous bolt was actually my Nani's slap which was received by my Cheek.

I was wordless. I didn't know what was happening.

"Wha?" Before I could finish Nani ji started shouting "Don't you dare to ask what or why?"

I tried to open my mouth but I was again stopped with her hand's gesture.

My mother ran towards me after she was out of her shock and examind my victimised cheek.

"Mother, how could you do this?" My mother angrily shouted.

"You are shouting on me, beta?' Nani ji's face had changed to utter surprise and then it turned back to anger.

"How could you slap her?" My mother asked outraged.

"You know why I did it and she deserves it! Roaming with a boy! How can this girl be so shameless? First she wears dirty clothes then she argues and now she is putting our names in water by doing ayashi with a boy! How dare I not slap her?" Nani ji was ranting without a breath.

Tears had been formed in my eyes. How could she say something like this, to her own grand daughter?

"Nani-" I tried to say something but she was not in a mood to listen

"I had told you to throw this girl when she was born! I had told you she will only bring bad luck to your home and look I was right! You had gone against me at that time saying I don't care if she is a daughter, what matters to me is she is mine child. Look what is the result! If it had been a son then we wouldn't have been in this situation." Then she turned towards me and said " She should have died the moment she entered this world"

It shattered me. It was like I had no space to breath. I was living in a lie. I realised all those articles I wrote in school about sex discrimination were not just in paper but real. They were exactly about my life

"Maa! How dare you say that?" My mother shouted

Shameless.....ayashi.....she should have died....shamelesss....ayashi.....died....... shameless

That was all I could hear. These words kept ringing. I could see my mother and Nani shouting at each other but it was like a silent movie for me. No words were audible. I was frozen in time.


I couldn't take it anymore so I did what sane Aesha would never do that is I ran. I turned back on my heels and ran outside of my house.

I couldn't see where I was going. My vision was blur with tears.  Tears kept flowing unstoppable.

I didn't know what time it was, where I was, how much energy I had and the aching in my painful legs. None of that matter because a part of me was lost and maybe it was lost forever.

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[Completed]A Tale Of An Indian Wattpad WriterWhere stories live. Discover now