Chap 3 :Luck

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Chap 3

Geo looks at the baby in the crib.
He can pretend to be a good nanny but he is not an expert.
Good thing the baby is a bit older.
Though he is very small.

"Milk..He really needs it."

He knows that breastmilk is very important.
He wants to ask the mothers in the village to feed the baby but that will not be possible without paying.
For now, they are surely penniless.
He sighs.
As an assassin he has all the money he can't spent all his life then he died.
Those children in the orphange will get all his inheritance.
But his own step son will not get any?
That's too pitiful.
He needs to think of a way to make money.
At least enough for the baby to eat, the house to rebuild, for food and cloth.......
"I never thought I need money this badly." He said shock.
He though he only need a bit.
But seeing how they are so poor that everything should be bought he become depressed.

He can kill.
But that is not his only skill.
He is a multi talentedan after all.
But he is a Gent in this world.
Though the Monarch is giving the Woman and the Gent face, there's alot of places where they are still being treated as just tools for reproduction or for houseworks.

Also he is married.
If his husband will say no, he can't even step out of the house to get some water or wash clothes.

He frowns.
"What a stupid society."

After the baby wakes up, he wants to wait a bit for his father to come before feeding him.

"It's getting dark." He frowns.

After he feed the baby.
He waited in the door with a frown.

His husband sure is late.

Staggering, Wally walks up to his house.

"Brother, I will help you."

"Stay away."
Wally glares but says nothing more.

"But I--It's my fault that you got injured your leg."

"Go! A maiden should not loiter around a married man espicially not around evening." Wally walks a bit faster to avoid the woman.

But the woman is also fast.
"It is my fault. Let me hel--"
She said she is helping but she pushes him down.
The woman's body fell to his back, pressing it.

Wally is a quirt man but he is not a fool.
He groans in anger but his nature will not make him hit a woman.


Wally looks up and see Alli's eyes flashing in cold light.

The woman frowns secretly but also become elated being seen.
She always wants to marry Wally but his circumstances is a bit bad. Instead of marrying him, she wants to be his mistress so she can still marry a good man and be supported by her first love in the shadow.

But this Gent suddenly make a scene.
She really hates him.

"Alli...I..." Wally bites his tongue to stop himself from talking too much.
He is not a good talker.
That is why Alli's family force him to marry Alli,right?

"Still not getting up?" Geo's brow raised and he kicks the woman away.


Geo helps Wally up and see him struggling.

"What's wrong woth you?" Geo asks.

"Got injured. It'll be fine." Wally said.
He looks at The girl and frowns.

The girl is sobbing pitifully.

"How dare you kick me?"

"If you care for your life, you will leave this instant. If I am in a mood and tell the villagers you are trying to steal my man.....I bet you will die after 5 stones hitting you?"

In their village, if you are found out being a mistress, you can either be accepted as a concubine(if the man is willing) or get killed by the villagers(stone hitting).

The woman trembles and she staggers to stand up.

"I...I am just thanking brother Wally!"

"You still won't leave?"
Geo is really being extra patient because he knows the consequence of killing this girl.

Wally grabs Geo's shoulder and urge him to move back to their house.
The woman is left stunned and scared


"Why did you stop me?" Geo said angrily but his vouce is lowered in fear of startling the baby.

Wally looks at him. There is something strange with him today.
He is also aware that he is being very good to him today.

"Do not quarrel with her. She is not a good person."

Geo raised a brow.
"So you know."

"Of course." His been living in this village for all his life. How can he not know?

Geo sighs and took a water for Wally to drink then he took a basin with warm water and a wine jug and squat down

"Let's clean your wound." He said.

Wally is drinking water and look down.
He rubs Geo's head unconsciously.

They both look shock and Wally looks away and moving his hand away too.

Geo frowns feeling his face getting warmer.
'This shitty body.' He angrily reprimand his body for always reacting toward his husband.

Geo wanted to cut the pants but Wally is unwilling. He only own a couple of pants, after all.
Geo asks him to eat first then went to take a bath.
The two, one sitting on the bed without a pants on and one sitting on a low chair between the man's leg.

"This position is weird." Wally said.
He never spread his legs without a pants while someone sitting down between him before.
It is strange and he is getting a reaction because his wife is touching his legs.

"I am just cleaning......" seeing the man's reaction. He blushes.
He cursed the Gent body for having such a lewd body.

They never consummate their marriage before.
Wally is busy feeding the baby, cleaning and working everyday. How can he felt like doing anything. And Alli is always moving far away from him.
Calling him dirty and that he smells.
He is always crying and shouting.
Wally would rather relieve himself that really touch this man.

But today he is very good to him.
So they are a bit intimate too.
Wally pulls Geo up and kisses him.
Geo is being defensive at first but he opens his mouth in a while and starts responding.


The baby cries so loud the two are startled.
They look at each other blushing.

"I...I will...Yeah...Um..Gotta see Leon." Geo runsand walks the same time and almost stumbling to the door to escape.

Wally put his palm to his face, fell to the bed and sigh.

Their hearts are beating so loud and fast.



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