Chapter 21

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King Edward

"Your Majesty, Sharman intercepted a letter meant for the assassin that killed Lady Dudley."

"What did it say?"

"His employer by the name DMC congratulated this ACV and ordered them to return to the seminary by the end of next week."

"How did he find this note?"

"Sharman said it was attached to the leg of a bird; which we have captured and sent to Lord Chichester."


"Shall we cancel the ball sire?"

"No, we are not afraid of assassins who hide in the shadows and run as soo as they have finished. I will speak to Lucia and make her aware if she is not already aware of the seminary."

"Do you require anything else Majesty?"

"Kill the bird. You are dismissed."


I leave my chambers closing the door behind me.

"Good morning, Your Majesty, I will drop off your costume within the hour."

"Thank you Anne."

"Do you need anything else, Your Majesty?"

"No, but thank you."

I continue to walk down the hall towards the dining hall. As I walk down the main hall a hushed conversation between two hidden people becomes audible. I stop walking when I hear a name said. "John! I'm being serious."

"What is going on that's weird Isabella?"

"People are dying, I've made it this far, I just..."

"Isabella, you're doubting yourself."


"You have this aura of strength wrapped around you, but you can't see it. Isabella, you need to start seeing it yourself. You are a smart woman, start looking and you'll see it."

"Johnathan Gifford! Get back here and explain to me this letter from my father I found in your pocket!"

"Did you-?

"Pick your pocket? Yes."


"It matters not. Please explain this letter from my father to me."

"Just write to him about it."



A moment of silence passes.


"What does he mean by 'I wish she knew how much she is like her mother'?"

"You think that I know?"

"Johnathan, you are four years older than me! So yes, I think you have four year's worth of information about my mother that I don't have. Which brings me to my next two questions, why aren't you married? And how come our fathers are so worried about me getting married when you're twenty one and not married?"

"Isabella, way to bring out my problem. To answer your first question, your mother was strong and carried herself with regalness. He knows that you carry those traits but you choose not to show them. Secondly, I'm not married because no one has caught my eye. Thirdly, you need to get married to a good man quickly otherwise you'll end up married to an old man. Do you have any more questions, otherwise I would like to eat breakfast?"

I continue walking to the dining hall for breakfast. Maids carrying finished costumes for the masquerade ball tonight curtsy as I walk past them. When I reach the dining hall, many nobles are still entering the dining hall. I catch a glimpse of Isabella and John as they walk into the dining hall. As I walk into the dining hall the room falls silent. The servants begin to set out the name cards. When they are finished, I take my seat and the nobles begin to take their seats. When everyone is seated the first set of servants open the dumbwaiter and begin to bring out the first course. Conversations and gossip flows around the table as we eat.

"Look at them."

"The woman is purple."

"Her hairstyle is not flattering on her."

"Her cheekbones are way too sharp."

"The king will never fall for such an ugly noblewoman."

"Lord John Marcheford, which country are you visiting next?"

"I will be visiting Umen."

"So far away?"

"Alashite was a bit farther away than Umen will be."

"That is good. What are you going to Umen for?"

"Government business for His Majesty."

"Then I hope your journey goes quickly and safely."

"I thank you Lady Harriet Attard."

"It is nothing Lord John, I only ask that you tell me about your journey."

"I do not believe that I will be able to tell you anything."

"That would be such a shame."

"I have no say in the matter Lady Attard."

"What a pity. I heard all about your trip to Alashite from Lady Elizabeth Hefford."

"So much gossip in this court with the new and temporary noblewomen."

"Oh John, not all of us will be temporary."

"Of course I forgot, one noblewoman will be staying."

"Oh John, we don't know that."

"Lady Attard, I am Lord Marcheford."

"Of course, forgive me."

The servants take away the first course and bring the second to the table as quickly as the first course disappears. I begin to eat the second course, so that I can finish creating my costume. The third course comes and the second disappears. As soon as the third course disappears, I push my chair back and stand. "I shall see you all tonight at five for the masquerade ball. I pray everything goes as planned."

I leave the dining hall and begin to walk to my chambers. Laundry maids curtsy as I pass and soldiers bow. I open the doors to my chamber and see my costume hanging in the closet doorway. I walk into my closet and open the bottom drawer of a dresser. I remove the clothing from the drawer and take a hat box out of the drawer. I open the hatbox and see the crown that lies inside of the box. I close the hatbox again and set it on top of the dresser. I place all of the clothing back in the bottom drawer and close it. I walk out of the closet and sit at my desk. I take off my jacket and boots and climb into bed and attempt to sleep. 

A/N: Updates will be coming a lot faster because the WATTYS are coming up and I really want to enter again this year. Thank you so much for reading.

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