Chapter Fourteen - Max POV

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As I stared at the moon through the waves as best I could, I tried to collect my thoughts. I had told Lilith that I was contemplating not being full human again and it was true. I didn't want to have to worry every time water splashed near me, but I don't think I'd be able to give this up.

I sat up and saw that I was the last one awake. Silently I pushed myself up and swam out of the kelp. Not wanting to be seen by anything outside the kelp I sat down, just being able to see out.

I didn't hear someone coming through the kelp till they were next to me. I looked over and saw Lilith sitting down. I looked back out into the ocean. We were silent for awhile.

Then Lilith asked, "Just curious, do you very an idea on what you'll choose."

While I was thinking about how to answer, I realized I should just give up the tail. It would make my life easier and would protect the people I cared about.

I looked over at her, about to answer when something inside me stopped me. I didn't know what it was but I pushed it aside and just answered.

"I'm pretty sure I'm going to give up my tail. It may mean I can never do anything like this again but I can't risk people getting hurt 'cause I have it." As I looked at her I saw sadness in her eyes.

"Oh." She looked down at the sand around us.

I felt a pain in my chest at seeing her like this. I again pushed it away.

"Let's go back to sleep." I suggested.


We got up and swam back to our bed. We settled in and I again stared at the moon. And strangely I wanted to curl up with her. I pushed the feelings aside like everything else, and thought about all the other mixed feelings I had when I put the pieces together. I only had them near Lilith. I, I think I loved her. I couldn't be sure but it made sense. I turned over, not even realizing that it was towards Lilith, and drifted off.


When I woke up I saw that I was the last one awake. I packed my section away and joined Pearl and Lilith with my food. Like normal we ate in silence.

As we were eating seahorses started coming from around us and grabbed onto our fingers and fins. We all smiled and enjoyed their company before we left.

We were on our way. Lilith didn't talk to me much and it hurt. Thankfully it let me try to sort out my thoughts. And the more I was in my thoughts the more I realized that I did in fact love her. I didn't even know how it happened, it just did.

With that in mind I knew I had to get rid of my tail. Doing so would mean I couldn't swim with her or be so deep in the ocean but it would keep her safe. Almost right after I had that thought, we saw it.

It was a giant ravine but we could see a cave from where we were. There was seaweed bunches that poked out from the sand and rocks around it. But there was also sharks. They were swimming near the ravine and cave.

"How will we get past them?" Lilith asked no one.

"We'll find a way." Pearl said.

And we sat the and watched. We soon noticed that at one point they were all facing the same way and could easily distract them.

Pearl made shark bait using fish and kelp and swam away to tuck it in a spot that would distract them.

That's when I made my move.

I pulled Lilith to me and told her, "Look I love you and that's why I have to get rid of my tail. You're at risk while I have it and I'd rather not see you then know your in danger." And to seal my words I kissed her, and she didn't pull away. All my

When we broke apart her face was bright red while my mixed feelings finally settled. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"I guess I love you too." She said barely above a whisper.

I pulled her into a hug and we stayed there for a while. We didn't even notice the sharks moving away from the ravine or Pearl coming back.

"I wasn't even gone that long. What happened here?" Pearl said.

I loosened my grip on Lilith and we turned to Pearl. I looked down at Lilith, she looked up at me, turned to Pearl and said, "Nothing." We smiled at each other again.

"Well anyways let's go, and fast." Pearl headed for the cave.

We broke apart and swam after her. The sharks were back seconds after we swam into the cave. Swimming through it the cave was dark and stayed dark. Then we finally came to an opening.

There was sea pickles illuminating the opening and there were rocks covered in glass bottles. Some were filled with things I didn't recall and others I did. There was many rocks and shells covered in information like the archives. There was a tunnel that lead to, most likely, a bedroom and we heard something swimming towards us.

The three of us flattened against the wall, my arm covering Lilith, and waited. Then she swam out from the tunnel, the sea witch. It was her, the same one that cursed me. I looked back at Lilith and after looking at me she gave me a look that said she knew it was her.

I swam out first followed by Lilith, then Pearl. The sea witch didn't see us at first so I called out, "Hey." That got her

She whipped around to face us. Scanning over us she landed on me.


~Thanks for reading!
They've finally realized they like each other but they're right at the sea witch.
The end is near, thanks for sticking with me.
Enjoy the story :)~

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