Chapter Twelve...

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Beelzebub grumbled, but shuffled away to partner with someone else, as did Asmodeus. Mammon folded his arms across his chest and frowned.

"That's not fair. Why do you get to partner with her?"

"You and Jia have a pact with one another which makes this lesson far too easy for you." Lucifer's smile widened and she didn't miss the glint in his eye. "You can pair up with Bast." Mammon spluttered in horror, but Lucifer took Jia's arm and led her away before he could form any words of protest.

"I can't summon you to me without using the crest," she said as he guided her to the front of the room.

"Indulge my curiosity," he replied. "You need to try with the crest anyway to make sure you know how to use it when you need me. We'll try it with and without." She swallowed nervously but let him lead her down the last of the stairs. From her vantage point she could see the whole room.

Some of the others had already managed it and were summoning their partners from various points all around the large space. Bast and Mammon sat sullenly beside one another, refusing to even look at each other. Bell snored peacefully at the back of the room while Bee had paired with Asael. Many others were struggling, their brows furrowed in concentration.

"Are you ready?" Lucifer asked, pulling her attention back to him. She nodded. "Walk to the other side of the room. When you get there close your eyes and think of me. Imagine me standing beside you. When you're ready, touch the crest and it should work." She did as he asked, crossing the space to stand by the far wall and turning back to look at him.

He stood with a serene smile, hands clasped behind his back as he waited for her. She closed her eyes and imagined that smile, seeing the red in his eyes and the slope of his cheekbones in perfect clarity. She felt the crest warm around her neck and thought of that beautiful smile beside her instead of standing metres away. After a moment she touched the crest and felt it cool instantly.

"It worked," she gasped when she opened her eyes and saw him standing very close.

"We need to work on your spatial awareness a little," he replied as he took a step back. "But other than that it was perfect."

"I want to try again," she insisted. He chuckled and walked back to the other side of the room. When he was as far away as he could be she tried again. This time it was instant. Even as she opened her eyes he appeared in front of her, still a little too close but with a wide grin on his face.

"Well done. Do you think you can do it right from the back of the room?" She nodded eagerly. He climbed the steps and stood in the far corner, nodding when he was ready. Once again she thought of him standing beside her. She didn't even have to touch the crest this time.

"I can't believe how easy it is," she breathed, an excited giggle bubbling up in her throat. "I thought I might struggle."

"Are you ready to try without the crest?"

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"Are you ready to try without the crest?"

"Are you sure it's okay for me to take it off?"

"It's fine while I'm here. Nobody will hurt you." She nodded and unfastened it from around her neck, missing the comforting weight immediately. She dropped it onto his gloved palm, watching as he snapped the fingers of his free hand and it vanished into thin air. "As soon as we're done I'll give you it right back."

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