Chapter 62

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Draco found Harry on the bridge overlooking the Black Lake in front of the castle. He was staring off with the Elder Wand in his hands.

"I ought to hex you, Potter," Draco growled.

Harry turned and grinned. "Draco, I'm so glad you're all right."

Draco stopped in front of Harry and grabbing the front of his ratty t-shirt with both fists. "You have some nerve, leaving to sacrifice yourself without saying goodbye." Draco could feel his face getting redder as anger flooded through him.

"If I remember correctly, the last thing I said to you was 'I love you.'"

"Yes, but you didn't tell me you were going to get yourself killed!" Draco was getting really annoyed by Harry's calm demeanor.

"Because you would have stopped me."

"Damn right I would have! It was a stupid plan!"

Harry smiled. "Yes, but it worked."

"You're insufferable," Draco growled.

Harry wrapped his arms Draco's neck. "I'm sorry but can we just skip to the part where we kiss and make up? Because I've really missed you."

"I should make you suffer."

Harry grinned, running his fingers along the back of Draco's neck. "Yes, but you won't."

"Prat," he growled then kissed him.

Harry tangled his fingers in Draco's hair and Draco let go of Harry's shirt to wrap his arms around his waist and press his hands on Harry's lower back, bringing him flush against him. Merlin, Draco had missed this. And they didn't have to worry about who was watching anymore. They were safe and—

Someone cleared their throat. Draco planned on just ignoring them but Harry pulled back. Draco groaned and turned to see Hermione and Ron.

"And here I thought we'd get some alone time for once," Draco grumbled.

"Soon," Harry promised then looked at his friends. "How are you both?"

"As good as can be expected," Ron replied. "I'm just glad it's all over."

Hermione nodded to the wand in Harry's hand. "Is that—"

"The Elder Wand. Tom thought it belonged to the wizard that killed Dumbledore but it actually belonged to the person who disarmed him." Harry looked at Draco. "It was yours until your father got ahold of your wand and then I disarmed him."

"So, it's yours?" Ron asked. "What are we going to do with it?"

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