Awkward talk

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-Elizabeth's POV-

"Elizabeth, right?" Meliodas asked a little cold but more soft than before.

"Y-Yes?" I asked more scared than I ever been before.

"The first thing is, why are you stuttering around me?" Meliodas asked with same tone on his voice like before.

"Oh, umm, I don't, I mean..." I said, hoping he aren't mad at me.

Meliodas sat down on a chair that stood at the wall.

"Hum?" He said and waiting for my answer.

"It is, I am, you..." was everything I could say.
Meliodas stood up, made me more scared, then he pulled me down and made me sit on his lap. My whole face got red, but I couldn't move, I was too scared. Then at last I could say something.

"I-I, w-why d-did you p-pull me down?" I asked. Meliodas sat down and got near my ear.

"Shh, I am not gonna hurt you as long you don't make me angry. " He whispered to me. He started to sniff on my neck and then the bell rang. Meliodas fast made me stood up and then hold my hand, dragging me to the classroom. When we got to the classroom Diane come to me and rescued me.

"Sorry, but our friend have got hurt and we need to go!" Diane said. Unwillingly Meliodas let go of my hand and Diane pulled me out of the classroom.

"What was that?!" Diane asked me worried.

"I-I..." What all I said.

"Did he do something to you? Are you hurt? I can't believe you sat beside Meliodas, the ekards leader, no less talk to him!" Diane said.

"I-I am fine, just a little confused." I said.

"I was going to save you when we got this 'game', but you had disappeared with Meliodas!" She said.

"Y-yeah, he dragged me to a corridor." I said.

"Anyway, you should meet the sins at the lunch, I have another classroom now and need to go. Bye!" Diane said walking away. The bells rang in and I was the only left in the corridor.

I was about to get around a corner when I bumped into someone. I fell on the floor and then I looked up to see who I bumped into. I was shocked. There he stood, Meliodas.

Now I was terrified of what he would do to me. Then surprisingly he took his hand out and stretched it to me. I, horrified, took his hand. He helped me up.

"I-I am s-so s-sorry!" I said.

"I am not going to hurt you, but you need to show up on the school's back at 6 if you don't want your sisters get hurt." He said cold. I nodded and stared walk back to my classroom.

-At lunch-

Diane come to my classroom and meet up with me.

"Come now Elizabeth, you will meet the sins now." Diane said and started dragging me to the cafeteria. When we got there she dragged me infront of all the sins and introduced me.

"This is Elizabeth, she is new here." Diane said to the sins.

"Hi, nice to meet you!" I said.

"I will introduce everyone to you Elizabeth." Diane said with a big smile.

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