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(A/N: I find that most fan fics or imagines where you meet the boys are usually not what happens so I've decided to so one where you completely break down because I know recently a fan was having a panic attack and harry comforted her so I'm gonna do something like that.

#imagine waiting outside the hotel with the other FANGIRLING teenage girls waiting for just a glimps of the boys.
Screams roared around you as the boys stepped out the door and your heart began to race. You screamed but nothing came out. The tears began running down your face.
They had metal fencing separating you and the other girls from the boys. You were pined to the fence which wasn't helping your situation. You felt like you couldn't breath and you began to breath heavily causing you to get dizzy. No one else around seem to notice because they were to distracted my the boys.
NIALL notices you panicking and ran over to assist you.
"Are you alright?" He asked and the girl behind you began to push harder on your back. Not able to speak you shook your head making you more dizzy.
He called over some security guards to pull you out so you could breath. When they say you done you fell to the ground not able to stand.
Niall sat in front of you making sure you were alright. He held your hands which were shaking vigorously.
"Just breath, you'll be alright" he said quietly so only you could hear. You took a deep breath shakily.
"You alright now?" He asked concerned. Still not able to speak you nodded.

NIALL HORAN ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now