Chapter nine

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It's better to cry, than to be angry. Because anger hurts others, while tears flow silently through the soul and cleanses the heart.


“I thought if we dress up like a vampire couple, you wear a sexy short skirt like a school girl and I’ll just wear black. We’ll be perfect.” Guy had me pushed against the hood of his car, both of his arms around me. Every time he talked his breath tickled every inch of my body and I would stare at him in horror, he did some mental damage to me. I couldn’t think straight when he was talking to me and I couldn’t hold my sexual attraction. Most of the time I would feel like a horny animal and I would be on the edge of kissing his whole face, but I’m a lady so I stop myself.

“It’s November and I’m not going to wear a skirt, oh and I’m not going to this party with you.” I looked straight at him, our noses touching. He moaned and his lips brushed against mine several times, he raised his hand and I let my eyes trail of to look at it. Terrified of being punched in the face, but before I knew it the hand fell flat down on top of the car. I shocked and stepped back into his other arm, I pulled it trying to get the hand of the car so I could get away. It was useless, his muscles were tensed up and with every thug I gave his muscles tensed more.

“You’re going with me if you want it or not.” His hand, which had just slapped the car, trailed off to my waist and he stroke my lower back. No matter how terrified I was, his hand, right there, made me feel the safest I have ever felt.

“I don’t have anything what a vampire girl would wear.” I placed my hands on his chest and felt confident enough to look him in the eyes again, his dark blue eyes sparkled as he looked at me.

“That’s why I’m taking you shopping this afternoon, my treat. Now go to class and get excited for some shopping.” He slapped my ass and let me walk away from him and his car, I looked at the people standing by the school entrance looking at me and I let my head hang down. I crossed the street and walked into the school, why did I have to say yes to Daniel again yesterday? Oh I remember she told me she would help me get rid of Guy and now I’m his ‘date’ as he called it. I don’t even get how he knew I was going, I mean I said yes to Daniel and she told some people I was coming, but I did not expect her to tell Guy. Why Guy? I mean seriously I have been living her for not even a week and I have a stalker and a few girls who are supposed to be my new friends, I’m not used to this I don’t do friends. I opened my locker and looked at the empty space in front of me, I sighed and grabbed my bag from my shoulder. I started pulling the books I was not going to need for my first few lessons out of my bag and placed them on the shelve in my locker, I then took of my jacket and threw it in my locker not caring about the kinks it might get.

“So we decided we’re going as sexy teddybears.” Daniel was standing next to me and as surprise of her sudden voice I slammed my locker shut, I banged my head against the closed locker when she started laughing.

“Why did you tell Guy I was coming?” I let my head rest against the locker and turned my head to look at her, she was surprised and confused at the same time.

“What? I did not tell him anything.” Now it was my time to look surprised, I snapped my head up from the locker and angled my whole body towards her.

“So why am I now going with him to the party as a sexy vampire couple, and why are we going shopping this midday?” I grabbed my bag from the ground and started walking towards my first period, Daniel followed me.

“He’s taking a date?” I snapped my fingers in front of her eyes, when she looked in front of her like a zombie.

“Focus Daniel, the question is why now.” She looked at me again and a smirk was across her face.

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