54 ★ New sensation

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ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕊𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 - 𝕀ℕ𝕏𝕊

"Love baby love

It's written all over your face

There's nothing better we could do

Than live forever"

Hendrix POV

I cling to Cedric as he leads me back to our house from the doctor's office. We're finally back home after our trip to the Guard, and it's been a bittersweet return. I'm happy to be home though. I had another check up today, and amazing news soon reached my ears when we were finished with all the poking and prodding.

Doctor Melbourne told me that I'm completely full term, and I'm already 2 centimeters dilated. That means it could literally be any day. I can't contain my excitement. She told me all about it, said the baby is big and healthy and ready to come whenever it's ready.

She also said that Cedric should mark me. I remember the wideness of his cherry eyes when he heard her, he did a double take. He asked what she meant, and she explained that I might get slightly stronger when I become his mate completely, and if not, it could send me into labor so I won't be in pain anymore. I wouldn't be against that, I'm tired of being pregnant. I'm supposed to be relaxed, it will help me go into labor if I'm relaxed, but how can I be relaxed when I'm in agony?

I want Cedric to mark me. It just feels right.

I'm also excited to become his completely. He has been quiet since the appointment, but I can tell he's getting pretty antsy. I wonder if he silently agreed with her recommendation.

At first they were afraid what would happen if I got marked while pregnant, but she said after further consideration it probably won't be a problem. It's not dangerous for a werewolf or a lycan to be marked while pregnant, and she doesn't think it will have an adverse affect on me or the pup.

I hope that Cedric listened to everything she said. She insisted that I could very well go 2 weeks over, even if I am full term, because it's my first pregnancy.

I really don't want to be like this for 2 more weeks while the baby steadily puts on more weight. They already think the baby will be over 10 pounds. That's crazy. I don't know if I'll be able to push this puppy out.

It only makes sense that the baby would be huge. Cedric is ridiculously big. I, on the other hand, am a staggering 5'4". I'm not exactly built for having a monster sized infant. We'll just have to see what happens.

Whenever I glance around the pack, I'm a little insecure from everyone's stares. They smile at me, their gazes curiously eating me up from head to toe, their eyes lingering on the belly the size of mars. They know I'll provide an heir to the pack any minute, they're almost as impatient as I am to have a child in my arms.

It only makes me miss Keifer like a hole in my heart. The poor little boy that I want to hold and comfort, kiss his scrapes and read him bedtime stories. I picture myself with him a lot, but I try not to bring him up to Cedric too much, or at all. I can tell my mate is stressed as it is, and I don't want to be a pushy brat that presses until she gets what she wants. It's as much his decision as it is mine, if not more.

Cedric knows this world more than I do, he's the expert. He's so much older and wiser than I am. I trust him with my whole heart, and I can't help it with everything that he does for me.

I watch him as he drags me home, waiting patiently for me to catch my breath. He's so sweet, so kind and understanding. I feel like him leaving me was years ago, it's so far in the past that it's not like it matters anymore. We've moved past it, and we're happily looking to the future.

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