Chapter 24 - Poetic Justice

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I wake up early in the morning, feeling completely rested despite the insane weekend we’ve just had. It’s Monday so we should be going to school today, although it’s been the last thing on my mind. Sofia’s alarm hasn’t gone off yet and she’s still sleeping, looking as beautiful as always. She ended up falling asleep in my room last night and I didn’t have the heart to take her back to hers.

I know I’m probably abusing the code of conduct with her parents, but it’s extremely difficult not being able to be with her and my protective instincts have completely taken over. Last night is not necessarily something I want to be happening with her parents under the same roof, but the circumstances have just played out that way with everything that’s been going on.

The tone of Sofia’s alarm sounds and I quickly turn over to the nightstand to silence it. She sighs against the pillow and rubs the sleep out of her eyes.

She peeks over at me curiously. “You were awake already?”

“Yeah,” I respond, tracing my fingers down her cheek. I love the sight of her sleepy face in the morning and I don’t think I’ll be getting over it anytime soon.

“Why didn’t you wake me?”

“I thought you could use the extra rest,” I shrug. I have been overworking her lately and I would feel bad had it not been the best experiences of my life. I’ve already made love to her four times in less than 48 hours so I really need to get it under control.

But that’s not the only reason I didn’t wake her and I hesitate whether I should volunteer the extra information. “I was also kind of afraid to,” I end up admitting.

“Why?” she asks curiously.

“Because of what happened yesterday. I thought it would be best to wait until you woke up on your own or with the alarm.”

Her face falls and she frowns. “I think that was an outlier. I hadn’t had a nightmare like that in a while, but I guess they pop in every once in a while.”

“But I think I provoked it or made it worse because I was touching you,” I respond, still feeling remorse about it.

“Adrian, that wasn’t your fault. I can clearly remember another time you woke me up on the couch and that didn’t happen. It actually felt really nice that time. Maybe yesterday was because of the different setting or something.”

I sigh. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s best if I refrain from doing it for now until you get completely used to sleeping together in the same bed.”

“But I love when you wake me up like that,” she says pouting.

“Trust me, I love it too. Let’s just give it some time, okay?” I say wrapping my arms around her. I don’t like the idea of it either, but I couldn’t bear it if she had another nightmare and I provoked it somehow.

“Okay. Can we go eat? I’m starving,” she says, completely changing the subject.

“You starving at this hour? Never thought I’d see the day.”

“That’s your fault. I’ve been burning a lot of calories because of you.”

I smile at her, so glad that her appetite is back in full swing and possibly even increasing. “Okay, let’s go feed you then.”

“You’re gonna make me overweight now, you know,” Sofia jokes as we head towards the kitchen.

“Well, my plan all along was to make you nice and plump so I can eat you afterwards like the wicked witch in Hansel and Gretel,” I joke back.

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