Chapter 10

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The bus ride was long and agonizingly stressful for Blathers. In the past week, he had packed up his apartment, said good-bye to Professor Cornelius at the university, threw his few things in some old luggage belonging to his parents, and left behind the city life he had once known.

Already, the tall skyscrapers and dazzling lights were being replaced by lush forests that sprouted newly green leaves with the spring season. Most of the other passengers had gotten off already at various towns, but Blathers trekked on to Animal Village, a half a day's journey away.

"Looks like we're pulling up to Animal Village," the bus driver said at the front.

As the bus traveled the roads leading down to the village, Blathers peered out the window, finding mostly untamed nature, speckled with houses and a few shops. This was certainly different than anything he had ever known.

The bus came to a halt at the one bus stop in town. Blathers grabbed his things, tipped the driver, and stepped out onto the cement stop. There were trees, ponds, and rocks scattered around him, but one building to his left, a large wooden building with a waving flag, caught his attention. He was told that this building was the town hall, and he was to report inside to talk to Mayor Tortimer.

Blathers took a deep breath. It was incredibly quiet in Animal Village compared to back at the city. He heard nothing save for the wind in the trees and the faint footsteps of some villagers in the distance.

With map in hand, Blathers entered the town hall, finding a charismatic young pelican sitting inside.

"You must be Blathers!" she exclaimed, leaning forward to grab his wing and shake it. "I'm Pelly! Nice to meet you!"

"'re not Mayor Tortimer, right?" Blathers asked.

Pelly chuckled. "No, no. Mayor Tortimer is in his office in the back. I'll bring you to him," she said. She ushered him back behind the counter and took him to an office situated in the back of the hall. Pelly gave a quick knock and swung the door open. Mayor Tortimer, an elderly tortoise, was lying back on his chair, sound asleep.

"Tortimer, sir!" Pelly exclaimed. "Do wake up! Your new curator is here."

The turtle gave a bit of a half-snort as he awoke. He fixed his glasses that had become tilted with sleep and reached for the cane near his desk. Slowly, the turtle stood and eyed Blathers.

"Ah, you must be Blathers! It is a pleasure to have you. Why don't I take you to the museum myself? We can go on a little tour, you and I," Tortimer suggested. "There's not much else to do around here. How exciting!"

Blathers was a bit unnerved by the somewhat incompetent mayor, and the fact that it seemed so desolate out in Animal Village, but he was excited to see the museum himself, so he agreed. He and Tortimer walked at a snail's pace through the village, with Tortimer stopping to point out every fruit tree and oddly shaped rock.

At last, they came to a large white building with heavy columns and bright spotlights that seemed to illuminate the building at night. It was breathtaking to behold, and Blathers could not believe it was all his.

Tortimer took his time unlocking the entrance doors, and when he turned the lights on, the building was littered in cobwebs and dust. Blathers coughed into his wing, wondering how such a ornate-looking building could appear so gloomy inside.

"You'll have to pardon the mess, but I suppose it will give you something to do! We've never had that good of a museum display, I am afraid, but we do have four prominent sections. Fossils, bugs, fish, and artwork," Tortimer explained. He pointed his cane to each designated hallway as he spoke.

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