Chapter Fifty Five

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'Meg... Jesus Christ!' I half-laughed. 'I didn't even know that you could reach that volume!'

'What did you just say to me?' Chantelle asked in disbelief. 'Did you just -'

'You heard her,' Jenny pitched in. 'Shut up! If you don't want to help, then stay out of our way. Lisa's our friend and we're going to be the ones to find her.'

'Bloody hell,' I said as Chrissy was returning, 'what do they put in the Italian water?'

'I - I'm sorry,' Jenny said sheepishly. She pointed openly at Chantelle. 'I'm just so sick of her attitude!'

'Well,' I said to Chantelle, 'you heard them. Either help or shut up. What's it going to be?'

'I don't care what you do. Just leave me out of it,' she retorted furiously, her cheeks burning in humiliation.

Amanda clapped me on the back. 'Count me in. What's your plan?'

'Yeah, it seems like you've got this well thought out already,' Charlie said.

The boy smiled at Jenny as kindly as he was able, but she looked away to avoid his gaze. They still had a lot of talking to do, but this wasn't the time or the place. I still hoped that they could figure things out, and that Will would own up to his part in separating them, I just wanted to get Lisa back first.

Action now, heartfelt discussions later.

'I came up with something on the way over. I knew Dad wouldn't want us to get involved, but between us we know Gideon and Lisa way better than they do. Between us, we should be able to figure out where they're likely to go.'

Jenny spread out the map on the floor. We pushed aside some furniture so we could get around it. They'd been gone just under a day. It still worried me they might have left the city and flown somewhere, but if Lisa thought she could get married and then swiftly return to her friends to boast about it, then she was going to less inclined to hop on a plane somewhere. My gut told me they hadn't gone far, they were just too well hidden for the teachers to track them down.

'Sorry, it's just Rome,' Jenny said. 'I could only find a city map when we got here.'

'It's perfect,' I said. 'I needed the streets. Will you've been here before, right?'

'Yeah. We have a house out here.'

'Of course you do,' I teased. 'Look, I don't think Lisa and Gideon have gone as far as everyone thinks. Chrissy, where's the note?'

'Here.' She forced the crumpled paper into my hand.

I scanned it quickly. 'Right, so they want to have fun. Lisa's idea of fun is shopping, boys, and clubs. We need to mark out all the places we'd find those things together. I can't imagine Gideon would be into all those things, but that's what he'd have to indulge in if he wanted to keep her attention.'

'On it.' Amanda circled the areas with a green pen.

I passed a red pen to Will. 'Gideon's a gambler, right?'

'Among other things.'

'Bars and casinos.' I tapped the map.

'What makes you think I'd know where to find that kind of thing?'

'You're related to Freddie, aren't you? Don't act like you've never had a night out in this city. I wouldn't be surprised if your uncle owns some real estate here, too.'


I explained, 'Anywhere that overlaps will be a target. If it's got stuff that appeals to them both, then they've either been there or will go there. We can take Lisa's picture with us and ask the owners if they've seen them together. That way, we can narrow down the search area.'

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