Chapter 10

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Marz's POV

           The day went by smoothly. I took a warm shower and sat in there for 10 minutes actually washing properly. I kept his hoodie on but put some leggings on underneath. Dad came home but he went straight to bed along with Traci. The next day nothing happened either.

        It was now Monday and my dad told me that we would have guests coming over and that I would have to be on my best behavior or he would beat me harder than before. Ryder wasn't at school surprisingly. When I got home I hurried and made

Ryder's POV

After Marz left I was determined to figure out who was doing this to her. But I had business to take care of and it could not be postponed any longer. The next day I planned meetings. I had to have a meeting with Charles Jones and his whore second wife. She always wanted to get into my pants. Ew may I add. Charles always seemed sketchy though. I don't question things though. Business is business. I decided to have the meeting on Monday for dinner. He decided to do it at his place.

It's Monday and I am not going to school I have 3 meetings lined up. One with the Scarlets about investments. Another with the Wilson's. And lastly with the Jones. all of them were investors.

Marz's POV

My dad opened the door as I started putting out the dinner. When I saw who walked through the door my mouth dropped. Ryder was here along with Elijah and Blake. We made eye contact and he was surprised. "This is my daughter Marz." my dad said pointing to me. "Marz this is Ryder, Blake, and Elijah."

        Ryder looked like he was about to say something but, I cut him off before he could. "It is nice to meet you guys," I said with a plastered smile. Ryder looked at me confused. I shook his hand and whispered to where only he could hear "Go along with it." Ryder nodded.  He gave the guys a head nod because they were equally as confused.

      We all took our seats. Ryder sat next to me. Traci sat on the other side of him. The boys sat across along with my Dad. Traci was clinging on to Ryder's arm. He looked annoyed. My hand closest to him was placed on my lap as my other hand had a fork in it. I made spaghetti with corn and butter noodles. 

         Ryder started talking to my dad about business which I just tuned out. Ryder than grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers together. My face was probably as bright as a tomato, but no one seemed to notice. He gently squeezed my hand for a second. Which I knew it meant if I was alright.

I squeezed back letting him know that I was alright. When it was finished my dad had me walk them out and I did. My dad immediately started yelling at me and telling me to pick up everything. I hurried and cleaned off everything. I ran upstairs and fell asleep.

           I woke up for school late. I hurried and threw on some clothes. I ran to school as fast as I could. When I got there it was 10 minutes before the first class ended. "Ms. Jones. You are 35 minutes late for my class. You will have detention after school." Mrs. Smith said. I took my seat and Ryder looked at me confused. "Don't ask," I said sitting down. The day was boring.

Although at lunch Jordan and Bailey announced the fact that they were dating. I gave her the 'you better explain later' look. The rest of the day went by. I went to detention and the teacher took our phones. I couldn't text my dad saying that I was late due to detention. He would kill me if he found out. For being late and getting detention.

I finally got out and I ran home. I hoped that his car wouldn't be there. It was. When I entered the house my dad grabbed me by the neck and started choking me. He held me up against the wall. "I heard you got detention. You little slut. Is it for sleeping with all of the football team? I wouldn't doubt it if you did. I should have killed you years ago. Well, I guess I will just do it now." he said sharply. I started tearing up. I was running out of air. I couldn't breathe.

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