Worthless P of S

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Emerald's P.O.V


Looking at Yosef's straight back as he walks away irritates me.
I am so worn out.
While he looks like a refreshed dude who went to excurtion to find his soul.


"That guy is a riot." I said as I lie my head in the table.

"He is a bit anti social but he is diligent." Jess said. "Though he acts too....I don't know, elegant?He doesn't look like any commoner."

"True and he is skilled in swordsmanship. His way of carrying his sword, his stance and his posture reminds me of a royal knight instead of a simple foot soldier." Zeo said nodding.


I thought these two hates Yosef and stay away from him. So how is it that they can tell so many things about him?

"Do not bother with him and don't ask him to help. If he helps then let him, if he doesn't then do not force him." I said reminding Yosef darken expression while handling sandwiches this afternoon?
Its funny and scary at the same time.

"Princess, What do you say about the two squadron wishes?" Jess asks.

"Huh? Not you too."
I shake my head. "I say no, never, not in this life time."

"Why? Is it because you don't have any greed?" Zeo asks. "Everyone wants to be a ruler."

"Do you?" I ask raising a brow."I have greed. Why would I want money the most if I am not greedy?"

Jess and Zeo have a wry smile.

"I'm a former ruler." Jess said.


"Let me tell you my story. I am born as a peasant with inhumane strength. I am not that smart but I am strong.
With my friends help. We become heroes. In the kingdom I live in. The King happily gave up the throne to me. I thought it is good. My family needs money to live. And I can help more people. My friends left me after I successfully ascend so they can go back to their own kingdom or pursue their dreams. I...I trusted the wrong people. I thought I am protecting my country but the kingdom is falling apart. My family was murdered and I am falsely convicted. I didn't even see them getting buried.
The new King is the prince who should be the one to inherit the throne if the King didn't give it to me. It is funny how strength can't defeat smart. My weakness is my stupid brain. And that cost my family's life and a lot of citizens who died for the sake of the royalties.
I am willing to die that time. When this fool came and try to take me out of prison. You see, Zeo is one of the heroes who fought with me. But he too was trapped because of an unknown variable. Magic. I thought it is strange how magic who is so scarce can be found in that place. Zeo will also die with me. That is what hurts the most. But our co-hero member who we don't know is actually a King of a strong kingdom invade the country. He said he did it for the land. But I know he wants to help us. I, who don't have any will to live was handed to August.
'Use him.' He said. 'And if he still wants to die after that give him a knife.' He is a ridiculous guy."Jess chuckles but there is warmth in his expression.

Emerald is eating cookies but stop when Jess looks at him with his teary eyes.

"So..why is Zeo with you?"

"So I can watch the fool if he suddenly jump to a building and decided to die before the time limit." Zeo said with a smile.

"You do something so sweet, Zeo? Are you two dating?"

"Hell no!" Zeo.

"Where did that came from?" Jess asks shocked.

"Aww~ I would love to know if you two decided to become a couple. Zeo will be good top. Believe in him,Jess."

The two looks at me with question mark written on their faces.

I sigh.

"I told you it is not good to become a ruler. It is so messy. You always have to be wary of what you say and do. You have to  decide if you will save a person or save a city. It is hard. It is not fun. And all you have is power and people recognizing you all the country.And that too is not good but only a headache. It is unrewarded position." I said and stood up.
"What I want is money. If I become rich I can build stores, employ people and donate money to help in making roads or assisting orphanage. If I am rich I can go anywhere and buy lots of product and introduce those to this kingdom. Being free and rich is what is really the best of all."

Zeo and Jess laugh.
I frown at them.

"In the end...You think about how to improve the country. If you are the country's ruler...you can do more than just helping solve a solution. You can be the solution."

"I still don't like it."

"Well, its not like Larksen accept female as a ruler." Zeo added.

"Right. Though we have almost equal rights than men, it is still not approved  for a woman to be a leader in this kingdom and I don't want to change that. I don't want responsibility the most!" I stood up and left.


"She is so cute when she is debating with herself." Jess said.

"To be honest, I also don't want her to be a King. It is unfair for her." Zeo answered.




"Come in."

"Sir Randy."

"Prince Yosef, what is wrong?"

Yosef smiles with enthusiasm.

"She is useful! She really am useful. I like her. I will stick with her more to find out how else can I use her."


"That girl named Emerald! I want to thank you for letting me see it with my own eyes. I can't believe it at first but she will be a key to my success."
Yosef clenched his fist and smiles like a happy kid.

Randy smiles.
"You are forgetting something, Prince Yosef."

"Yes! I will surely listen to you what ever it is in the future."

Randy stops smiling.
"Not that."


"Princess Emerald doesn't need you."


"The one who needs who is you. You need her."

Yosef smiles.
"Don't worry. I can handle her. She will not be able to refuse me."

"Oh? Maybe I made a mistake."

"Made a mistake?"

"Yes. I mean...I will kill you if you hurt her."

Yosef didn't know how or why but he suddenly felt intense killing intent though there is no change in Randy's expression.
He is trembling and his body refuse to move.

"I thought you can give her a familial love. I made a mistake."


"You see...She is always alone. She is forcing herself to become a mature adult though she is so small. Someone like me, who doesn't know how to care or love anything in this world can't give her the familial love she needs. So when you said you will do anything...I thought making you a King is not so bad." Randy frowns. "You worthless piece of shit." He said in a blank expression.

Yosef can't take it anymore and he fainted.
The intense aura suffocate him.

Randy sighs.
"He should learn what to do from now on. If he still doesn't know..I will really kill him." He walks away and didn't even bother looking at the Prince condition in the floor.




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