ThEy do thIs EvEry yEAr!! 🙄🙄 (25)

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Sonic-ass-blasting out of your bedrooms door, you slid on your heels and jumped onto the set of stairs, before sliding down the railing (nearly falling in the process—) and rolling onto the floor, hitting a persons leg...

Looking up, you saw Clockwork.

"Oh, hi female-version-of-'stitchbitch!'"

She snorted, before grabbing your arm and pulling you up like Jane did, nearly ripping your arm off.

"Hi there, pipsqueak!" She smiled broadly whilst smacking your back roughly, earning an 'oof!' From you and a nervous chuckle.

Leo waltzed down the stairs, his grayish-blue eyes landing on you before he practically launched himself at you, latching onto your torso like a scared cat.

"(Y/n)! Oh thank god! Jeff nearly tore my beautiful eyeballs out and BEN tried to possess me! Pleasestaywithmeandneverleavemysideimscared—"

"Oh my gosh would you calm down! They aren't that bad, y'know? Just a little... rambunctious at times..."

"Damn right we are, Senpai-(Y/n)—"

"Never say 'senpai' again."


Jeff gave you a thumbs up, listening to your demand as he saluted you and walked towards the dining room, BEN jumping on you like Leo did, clinging to you.

Leo hissed at BEN, hugging you tighter, causing BEN to grimace and blow a raspberry at him mockingly.

Rolling your eyes, you (failed) tried to pry off the two cactus bitches and groaned in annoyance.

"She loves me more cause she's known me longer, water-whore"


"She loves me more because she loves me more, Robo-boy!"


"Elf bitch."





Rubbing your face tiredly, you walked over to the dining room with the two latched onto you and aggressively hissing at each other as everyone looked at you with amused grins.

Toby waved at you, a small smile on his pale-ass face, making you shiver at the thought that he used to be so incredibly cold. Well, colder...

You avoided sitting by Tim and Brain as well that brunch...

You had waffles, pancakes, eggs, bacon, etc to choose from...

This was a very vital decision...

You stuck with (breakfast choice) and (beverage choice), satisfied with your taste of deliciousness and superior decision from the others.

No, Toby didn't have waffles and Tim didn't have cheesecake...

The cheesecake joke is disrespectful, you hooligans.

Author-Crackhead is getting out of control—


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